Friday, May 1, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Fri, May 1, 2020, 12:39 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
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News from the Agudah:

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah program will continue next week on the inyan of Brochos. Sunday's shiurim will be from Rabbi Asher Weiss and Rabbi Reuven Leuchter. Please see below for more details.

  • Mazel tov to all the lomdei hadaf on completing the first five perakim in Mesaches Shabbos. The sixth perek begins tomorrow, on Shabbos. Please see below for a mazel tov from Ki Heim Chayeinu and the Daf Yomi Commission.

  • Bnos has many different programs going on now to help your daughters' make the most of this time! Please see below for an update on all their activities.

  • Rabbi Avi Shafran, our director of public affairs, has written a very enlightening article about people weaponizing the coronavirus to vilify our community. Click here to view or download the article.

  • Your sons will enjoy this week's Pirchei newsletters. Click here for the Pirchei weekly and here for the Pirchei pages.

  • The FJJ has put together a beautiful tribute to the Novominker Rebbe ZTVK"L that we would like to share with you. You can view the tribute here.

  • Our friends at Chai Lifeline have asked us to share with our readers that they have launched a new lecture series offering the community divrei chizuk, psychological, and practical guidance during the current health crisis. The series, titled "Going Through It, Growing Through It: Torah Perspectives and Mindful Coping in the Age of COVID-19," will include video and audio recordings (via conference call) featuring renowned Rabbanim, speakers and mental health experts, as well as members of Chai Lifeline's crisis intervention team, Project Chai. Please see below for more information.
Yarchei Kallah Continues
The virtual Yarchei Kallah continues next week on Inyanei Brachos. On Sunday, there will be an 11:00 am EDT hachana shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, a 12:00 pm EDT shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on Yesod of Brochos on Foods, and at 1:00 pm EDT we will hear divrei chizuk from Rabbi Reuven Leuchter. There is also a nightly chazarah shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Mazel Tov to all the Lomdei Hadaf
Bnos Updates
Here are some highlights of Bnos activities over the last few weeks:

  • Over 2,000 girls are calling into the Bnos hotline daily. In case you don't have it, the number is 720-721-4724.

  • 30,000 perakim of tehillim were said so far by our Bnos girls.

  • Over 300 volunteers are paired up with seniors to call them for "virtual visits."

  • We have over 450 pen pals and counting including 50 pen pals in Eretz Yisroel.

  • Our Sefira Program is off to a great start with over 5,000 girls participating so far. You can call the program hotline at 641-715-3800, access code 806845#.

  • Bnos /Tehillim virtual groups have been started by a number of Bnos branches. This gives the girls an activity for a specific time each Shabbos afternoon.

For more information on any of these programs, or to have your daughter join, please can reach out to Mrs. Chana Baila Hass at
Chai Lifeline Lecture Series
Chai Lifeline's new series, "Going through it, growing through it," is online now. You can watch it on or call 641-715-3800, access code 386575 to hear the recordings.
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