Monday, August 17, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 27 Av 5780/August 17, 2020

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August 17, 2020 - 27 Av 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • We join Klal Yisroel in mourning the petirah of HaRav Chaim Dov Keller, ZT"L, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Telshe Chicago. May his family, his talmidim, and the whole Klal Yisroel have yeshuos and nechamos.

  • Last week, in a disturbing move, the New York City Democratic Socialists of America (NYC-DSA) asked NYC Council candidates seeking their endorsement whether they commit to not visit Israel if elected, as well as whether or not they support BDS. We attach below the text of the strongly worded statement we released, but we're happy to report that since then, the NYC-DSA has reportedly removed both questions from their questionnaire and has explained that the commitment they requested was limited to paid political junkets.

  • Last week, the Daf Yomi Commission held a siyum to celebrate the months of sacrifice of the lomdei hadaf. See below for more information.

  • You can watch the newest B'dibur Echad video, Shir Hashirim, from Rabbi Eli Mansour by clicking here.
Agudath Israel of America Condemns the Democratic Socialists of America for their NYC Candidate Questionnaire
Agudath Israel strongly condemns the New York City Democratic Socialists of America (NYC-DSA) Council candidate questionnaire asking candidates to pledge not to travel to Israel and to support BDS.
Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, a country which grants full rights to all its citizens. To single out Israel and hold her to a different standard than any other country, including repressive regimes around the globe, is repugnant and reeks of anti-Semitism. Singling out Israel for boycotts and sanctions even more so. Moreover, this comes ironically a day after Israel signed an historic peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates.
Lawmakers in all levels of government visit Israel for a first-hand look at holy sites, history, and to understand the political state of affairs. The visits also reflect the longstanding friendship and special relationship America has with Israel, regardless of which particular political persuasion happens to be in power in either America or Israel. To deny Jewish, Christian, and Muslim lawmakers an opportunity to connect with the land that means so much to their respective religions and constituents is unacceptable.
We call on the DSA to remove those offensive questions from their questionnaire and we appeal to all candidates of good conscience to reject any support so long as that question remains.
Agudath Israel's Daf Yomi Commission Unites Lomdei HaDaf in a Siyum that Celebrates Months of Sacrifice 
Rabbi Sholom Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshivas Philadelphia giving divrei chizuk v'hisorerus at the Daf Yomi Siyum Shabbos Worldwide Broadcast!

All those who participate in the limud of Daf HaYomi can attest to the joys and challenges of learning the daily Daf .The dedication and commitment required to complete a mesechta in regular circumstances is impressive, but in the COVID-19 era it is nothing short of exceptional.  
This past Tuesday, August 11th, Agudath Israel's Daf Yomi Commission hosted a Siyum celebration devoted to these unsung heroes of our communities. These are Daf Yomi learners from across the world, who despite the difficulties that presented themselves over the past few months, continued to forge ahead and stay on track during one of the most difficult periods in Daf Yomi history.  
"What we must all bear in mind," explained Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha Bamberger, National Director of Agudah's Daf Yomi Commission, "is that meseches Shabbos began right at the onset of COVID-19. The introduction to this challenging Masechta was followed by shul closures, remote shiurim and all-around uncertainty." 
That was the focus of the keynote address by Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia. Rabbi Kamenetsky spoke about the true heroism displayed by the Lomdei Daf HaYomi during this period. He also spoke about how the completion of maseches Shabbos was a formidable achievement for even the most experienced Daf Yomi learners. At the siyum, Rabbi Eliezer Feuer, Rav of Young Israel of Bayswater, NY, and Learning Director in Camp Agudah, said the Hadran of Maseches Shabbos. 
The chosen location for this Siyum was the Masmidim Program of Camp Agudah. The Daf Yomi Commission chose this site for its connection to the theme of dedication, as the Masmidim program, led by Rabbi Dovid Frischman, is a wonderful collection of serious Yeshiva bochrim who spend their summer months committed to learning and shteiging.
This Siyum was truly a coast-to-coast celebration, with many communities, including Agudath Israel of California, directly participating in this event while hosting their own satellite Siyum with a live-hookup and unique program. 
Rabbi Bamberger concluded, "This Siyum's purpose was two-fold: it was a display of unity and a show of strength- strength that lomdei Daf HaYomi can be proud to have upheld throughout these trying and challenging times."  

Click here to view the recording of the event.  
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