Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fwd: Please contribute to support WI Yemei Ratzon programming

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From: OU Women's Initiative <ashmidman@ou.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2020, 6:13 PM
Subject: Please contribute to support WI Yemei Ratzon programming
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

The OU Women's Initiative

Thank you Yitzchok and Barbara Lehmann Siegel and family for serving as grand sponsors for this program.

Dear Friends, 

In a year filled with change and adaptation, the OU Women's Initiative has been changing and adapting with the needs of our community and world at large. Within the guidelines of social distancing, we have discovered new ways of connecting women through Torah learning and leadership, bringing together women of all ages, from around the world.   

This year, we have experienced tremendous growth, providing intellectual, professional and personal learning opportunities to thousands of women. Our mission is to support, engage, and connect women through Torah and its values. Whether through Torah text itself, such as in our Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Audio Series, in which professional female educators teach the insights of Nach daily, or by translating its wisdom into professional and communal application at our Lay Leadership Summits, public speaking workshops, and Cope and Hope seminars regarding the challenges of everyday life during COVID-19,  we are committed to serving the community.  

As the Yamim Noraim approach, we are already planning on making an even great impact and reaching more women in the upcoming year. With your help, we can make this goal come to fruition together.  

It is with great excitement that we roll out an expanded Ideas and Inspiration program, featuring two learning opportunities with over 35 remarkable women: the Yemei Ratzon Video Series and the Yemei Ratzon Tefillah Audio Series.  

Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration is the perfect opportunity to honor a loved one or milestone, with a wide array of giving opportunities: 

One episode of Yemei Ratzon Audio Series: $250 
One Yemei Ratzon video presentation: $500 
To see a full list of giving opportunities, go to www.ou.org/women/donate
We look forward to accomplishing wonderful things together in 5781. 

With wishes of a year of health, blessing and success in a peace-filled world,

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Director, The Women's Initiative

Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration has been sponsored in memory of Fanny Lehmann, Fayga bat Yaakov v' Bat Sheva, Rose Siegel, Sarah Russa bat Raphael, Celia Firestein, Tzirel bat Raphael, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Sophie Taub, Bat Sheva bat Yechiel, by Yitzchok and Barbara Lehmann Siegel and family.  


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