Thursday, September 3, 2020

FW: COVID-19 Update

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-------- Original message --------
From: AGUDAH <>
Date: 9/3/20 9:32 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: COVID-19 Update

It has been brought to our attention that there is a concerning rise of COVID-19 cases in the Orthodox Community. This is inherently a serious safety concern, but it is doubly worrisome because of what is on the line. Thousands of our students just started the school year with in-person instruction, and we are on the cusp of the Yomim Noraim when we plan on gathering in shul to daven together.
Our children NEED school for their spiritual, emotional and educational well-being. Klal Yisroel NEEDS to be able to gather b'rov am to daven for 5781 to be a year of brachos and healing. If the rise of infection is not stemmed, these essential needs of ours will be threatened.

Please continue to exercise caution with hand-washing, mask wearing and social distancing at stores and while at simchas and functions. Many Jewish communities have started doing contract tracing and most cases can be traced back to attendance of simchas without any limitations. Please see the statement below from the National Agudah on this matter.
Additionally, please consider only travelling when necessary and being extra vigilant while on route and at your destination. The same caution should be taken regarding hosting guests from out of town.
May our community and all of Klal Yisroel be zoche to a shemira and a new year of unlimited brachos and good health.
Kesiva v'chasima tova.

Agudath Israel Statement on Uptick in COVID-19 Cases
Nationally, in recent days and weeks, Agudath Israel of America has received concurrent reports of an uptick in COVID-19 cases in communities in Lakewood, Cleveland, Rockland County, Five Towns, Brooklyn, Passaic, and Baltimore. With yeshivos imminently reopening for the school year, it is critical to bring this trend under control.
For months, COVID-19 rates in many areas have, boruch Hashem, been low. But our communities are tight-knit and closely linked. Therefore, trends within our communities must be closely and holistically monitored, and every community must remain vigilant to protect all our communities. Kol Yisroel areivim zeh ba'zeh.
Many of the cases nationally have been traced to large simcha gatherings. Such events carry particular risk because they:
  • Bring many people together;
  • From different geographic areas;
  • Are often loud, requiring shouting (which emits more particles) and close proximity to communicate;
  • Masks cannot be worn while eating;
  • Social distancing is difficult; and
  • Are typically held indoors in a confined space.
Simchos are wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime events. But we must conduct them legally and safely. We must minimize the above factors to protect all our communities, especially as we desperately seek to reopen our yeshivos, daven b'tzibbur, keep our communities safe, and return to a sense of normalcy. Simchos that spread illness and do not conform to local laws should not be allowed to jeopardize that.
Indeed, any public gathering should minimize as many of the above listed factors as possible.
Please help stem this recent uptick in several of our communities from becoming anything worse, chas v'shalom.
Agudath Israel of America wishes all of Klal Yisroel a k'siva vachasima tova, a new year filled with Hashem's abundant blessings of good health, brocha and hatzlocha.

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