Tuesday, March 9, 2021

aneinu International Tefilla Gathering! This Thurs March 11 12:30 PM Live from Lakewood!

  As it has now unfortunately been an entire year since this צרה began -  a צרה that has taken the lives of so many of אחינו בני ישראל all around the world,  continues to sicken many, has adversely affected the livelihoods of so many,  and above all has put restrictions on, and even shuttered,   so many Batei Medrash and Mosdos HaTorah  strongly diminishing the Kol Yaakov that Klal Yisroel so depends on- - let us heed the call of the Gedolei Yisroel  and join Yeshivos and Mosdos HaTorah across the country and beyond in uniting in Tefillah, pleading with the Ribbono Shel Olam to put an end  to this particular צרה and end the source of all צרות - this long and bitter Galus , with the bringing of the ultimate Geulah. יום תפילה עולמית ת אגודים בצרה לשפוך תחינה  We’ve been united in pain, now let’s unite in תפילה  International Tefilla Gathering  11th March - כ''ז אדר - Thursday 12:30 pm Chicago Time  Live from Bais Medrash Govoha – Lakewood 12:30 PM Chicago Time  Earlier in the day, there will be an additional live hook-up to Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim at 10:40 AM Chicago Time The following תהילים פרקי will be said: 13, 20, 43, 121, 102, 130, 142    To take part in the International Asifas Tefilla, please call one of the following numbers:  YESHIVOS, CHADARIM, BAIS YAAKOVS, SHULS, AND OTHER MOSDOS HATORAH: 712- 432-8286  INDIVIDUALS: 646 - 726 - 9977 Those Mosdos HaTorah that are unable to join live, are encouraged to make Asifos Tefilla of their own at the same time.  And those who are unable to daven at the same time, should of course join Klal Yisroel in tefilla at any time throughout the day.  As the month of Geulah nears, may the Ribbono Shel Olam hear our tefillos , send us the yeshua we so desperately need, and bring us the Geulah b'karov.

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