| Rabbi Eli Mansour E16, A Horizontal Testimony
On Shabbos morning, in Shemoneh Esrei, we speak about Moshe Rabbeinu bringing us the Luchot, on which the mitzva of shabbos was written. But we mention that it was written on the two luchot, although we know Shabbos was written on the first one only?? Find the answer to this question as Rabbi Mansour leads you along a novel train of thought, revealing some fascinating insights into Shabbos. You'll learn that the luchot can be read in more ways than one, and this new reading, as well as the two versions of the Aseret HaDibrot (once in Yisro and once in Va'eschanan) develop a fresh understanding of various aspects of Shabbos. | | | | Rebbetzin Shira Smiles E9, Blessing the Palace We are told that if the beds are made, the table is set and candles are lit, the good malach makes a bracha and the bad malach has to say amen. Why are these specific things so significant? Is it not enough to be dressed in Shabbos clothes and have the Shabbos food ready? Join Rebbetzen Smiles to discover the deeper meaing behind these 3 things, and how with them we can emulate the Imahos. | | | The Music of The Siyum: Holocaust Tribute Medley | | When We All Danced Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...) | | | | | | | | | | |
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