| Rabbi Eli Mansour E11, A Separate Species
In what ways are the Jewish People like the fish we eat on Shabbos? Jews have survived only because we live in a separate world, even as we appear to live together with the rest of the world. It is in merit of separateness that the fish survived the flood and that we survive the onslaught of the materialistic world. | | | | Rebbetzin Shira Smiles E10, A Prayer for Posterity Being blessed by our parents on Friday night is something we can all recall- from our earliest memories. Have you ever wondered what the reason is behind blessing children at this particular time? In this episode, Rebbetzen Smiles gives us insight into the significance of this Minhag, as well as suggesting how we can utilize it to create cherished moments that our children will always treasure. | | | AMAZING NEW SHABBOS PROGRAM FOR FAMILIES! KIDS WIN PRIZES! | | | Come join the Masmidei HaShabbos Program! This Week's Mission: Gain a deeper appreciation for the Shabbos Davening | | | All you need to do is:
1. PRINT Print out a copy for each person at your Shabbos table
2. DAVEN Daven from the sheets and allow the meaning of the words of this Tefillah to elevate your Shabbos
3. WIN! - or - call our HOTLINE at 1-44-333-TORAH (1-443-338-6724)
Please include your first and last name, age, grade, and full name of school.
And you'll be entered to WIN! a $250 Gift Card! | | | The Music of The Siyum: Holocaust Tribute Medley | | When We All Danced Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...) | | | | | | | | | | |
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