Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fwd: I Didn't Cry; GE Appliances Kosher Certification; Avoiding Burnout

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jan 19, 2023, 5:33 PM
Subject: I Didn't Cry; GE Appliances Kosher Certification; Avoiding Burnout
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I Didn't Cry...
"I Didn't Cry..."
Jeff Korbman

"I didn't cry… but I came really close." OU Director of Foundations and Strategic Partnerships Jeff Korbman describes his meaningful experience on a recent trip to Israel.

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PARSHAT VAERA January 20-21, 2023 / 28 Tevet 5783


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 28:25-29:21


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Shevat


SPECIAL DAY Rosh Chodesh Shevat is celebrated on Monday, January 23.

Around the OU
Are We on the Same Page?
Are We on the Same Page?
OU Israel

Rabbi Moshe Hauer and Rabbi Shai Finkelstein explore the relationship between North American Jewry and Israel on Sunday, January 22, in Yerushalayim.

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GE Appliances Kosher Certification
GE Appliances Kosher Certification
OU Kosher

GE Appliances completed its transition of refrigerators to OU Kosher/CRC Hisachdus certification.

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Know Your Neder
Knowing Your Neder
Torah Initiatives

Join All Daf's Siyum Maseches Nedarim on Sunday, January 22, in Lawrence, NY. Rabbi Yossi Weberman will deliver a special shiur, "Knowing Your Neder."

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OU-JLIC Staff Bond Together in First Annual Wintercon Weekend Since Covid
OU-JLIC Staff Bond Together in First Annual Wintercon Weekend Since Covid

OU-JLIC national staff, esteemed OU guests and directors from around the globe gathered together this past weekend in Tarrytown, NY, for Wintercon 2023.

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Nach Yomi Nevi'im Siyum Events
Nach Yomi Nevi'im Siyum Events
Women's Initiative

Join the Nevi'im siyum events, which include presentations by Mrs. Michelle Margolis, Mrs. Hava Preil and Mrs. Shalvie Friedman, and a look forward at Sefer Tehillim with Mrs. Michal Horowitz.

Register Now
Keeping Kosher, Becoming American
Keeping Kosher, Becoming American
Dr. Rafael Medoff

When the OU inaugurated a kosher dining facility at Harvard in 1926, America's most influential daily considered the story "fit to print." Read this brief history of OU Kosher.

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, Yehuda Treister.

Read Trivia Questions
Avoiding Burnout
Avoiding Burnout
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

We were so stuck in the burdens of Egypt that even a hopeful and reassuring promise from G-d failed to resonate within us.

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Four or Five?
Four or Five?
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we drink only four cups at the seder to correspond to four expressions of redemption when there are in fact five expressions of redemption?

Read in Hebrew
Belated Introductions
Belated Introductions
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Why does the Torah specifically choose this dramatic moment to detail the lineage of Moshe and Aharon? Why interrupt the historical narrative midstream?

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Kriyat Shema in Catholic School
Kriyat Shema in Catholic School
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

"I have two Jewish students who don't want to say the Lord's Prayer…." Real-life Q&A are back!

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Spirits in a Material World
Spirits in a Material World
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Sometimes the Torah says something fundamental in what seems like an incidental comment. An example of this is found near the beginning of this parsha.

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On the Shoulders of Giants
On the Shoulders of Giants
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Despite all the technological advances from which we benefit, we often are convinced that certain things were of superior quality in the old days.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Danielle Bloom

Learn more about the eternal and ongoing exodus from Egypt.

Listen Now
Equality vs. Entirety
Equality vs. Entirety
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

We believe in the primacy of Moshe's prophecy and that he was the quintessential prophet for all times. How then do we understand Rashi's comment that Aharon and Moshe were equal to one another?

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Women and Rosh Chodesh
Women and Rosh Chodesh
Halacha Yomis

What is the basis for the custom of women to refrain from doing certain melachos (activities) on Rosh Chodesh?

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Featured Books
Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages — Exodus
Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages — Exodus
OU Press

Derashot LeDorot presents Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztz"l's insights into the Book of Exodus and organizes them according to the sequence of the weekly parsha.

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Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
OU Press

In Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Reuven Ziegler takes on the daunting challenge of surveying the thought-world of the Rav.

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NCSY Positions
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All OU Positions
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