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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
To: "Chicago Aneinu" <myysbyy@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Mar 5, 2023 at 11:11 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] For Purim - Over 1,000 Ladies and Girls Have Already Joined!
Spread the word, multiply the zechusim and May Hashem be mekabel our tefillos! | | Dear Friend, This Purim unite with thousands of Women and Girls worldwide to Harness the power of Tefilla and Unity on the tremendous Eis Ratzon of Purim. The goal of Tehillim United is to have Sefer Tehillim finished hundreds of times as a tremendous Zechus for Klal Yisroel and all those saying it. The way it works is that you sign up before Purim to receive your 'Yom lchodesh' to say. You will automatically be assigned your 'Yom' and the details about the Tehillim United Live Teleconference. We will be using a new and improved system IyH. On leil purim, thousands will unite to finish Tehillim followed by short Divrei Chizuk from Harav Malkiel Kotler Shlit"a and Rebetzin Rena Tarshish. The Tehillim should ideally be said during the allotted time on Leil Purim but for those not able, it can be recited at any time over Purim. JOIN NOW, THE POWER IS IN THE NUMBERS! Spread the word, multiply the zechusim and May Hashem be mekabel our tefillos! SIGN UP NOW: Text 'tehillim' to 732-838-9800 Call 732-523-5812 To find out about sponsoring and having a part in this tremendous Zechus please call 732-334-0050 ext 5. A Freilichen Purim! | | | | | | |
Kupas Yom Tov | 44 Aspen Ct , Lakewood , NJ 08701 | | | |
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