Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Fwd: Last Chance! Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go 5783

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2023, 9:02 AM
Subject: Last Chance! Download the Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go 5783
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Inspire your Pesach with Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University



Established by Rabbi Hyman z"l and Ann Arbesfeld

April 2023 • Pesach 5783

Dedicated in memory of Cantor Jerome and Deborah Simons

The Benjamin and Rose Berger Torah To-Go Pesach/Yom Haatzmaut 5783 issue is available for download and the print version is available in shuls across the globe.

Download Now

50 Pages of Pesach Insights and Inspiration

Featured in this issue:

Perspectives on Pesach

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman: The People Missing From Our Seder

Rabbi Michael Taubes: Insights from The Rav on the Maggid Section of the Haggadah

Rabbi Aharon Ciment: A Positive Outlook Changes Everything

Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: We Are Survivors!

Deena Rabinovich EdD: The Plagues of Yam Suf

Rabbi Yona Reiss: Where is Moshe Rabbeinu in the Haggadah?

Rabbi Shay Schachter: Partnering in the Process of Redemption

Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman, Psy.D.: Strategies for Engagement at the Seder

Shaina Trapedo, PhD: What We Ought to Say at the Seder

RIETS Pesach Halacha

Rabbi Kalman Laufer: Celiac Disease, Matzah and Patient Autonomy

Rabbi Mordechai Willig: The Timing of Searching, Selling and Burning the Chometz

Yeshiva University and Israel

Rabbi Shalom Carmy: Rabbi Soloveitchik the Zionist

Rabbi Reuven Ziegler: Rav Soloveitchik on the Significance of the State of Israel

Mrs. Stephanie Strauss: The Values of Yeshiva University In Israel in Action

Rabbi Josh and Margot Botwinick: Shidduchim, Housing and Israel's Economy: How Yirmiyahu's Forewarnings Became Today's Songs

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Torah of Harav Aharon Lichtenstein: How Did Rav Lichtenstein Impact Religious Zionism?


Israel and Aliyah

Rabbi Marc Eichenbaum: Table Talk: Quotes and Questions for Family Discussions

Rebbetzin Meira Davis, Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein, Mrs. Aliza Pilichowski,Rabbi Larry Rothwachs: A Panel Discussion About Israel and Aliyah

Editor's Note:


We would like to clarify a point made in Rabbi Kalman Laufer's article "Celiac Disease, Matzah and Patient Autonomy". Rabbi Laufer noted that spelt matzah is an alternative to wheat matzah for only those who can medically tolerate it. Rabbi Laufer wanted to emphasize to all our readers that when it comes to medical decisions, one should always consult with one's personal physician and posek.


We always appreciate feedback from readers. If you have any comments or interest in sponsoring a future edition, please send it to offce@yutorah.org


Wishing you a happy and healthy Pesach.


The Torah To-Go Team

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