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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
To: "Chicago Aneinu" <myysbyy@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 9:37 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin T. Jaeger - Replay - The Wondrous GIFT of Speech
| BS"D Please pass on to your family and friends...Thank You!! Hello Ladies, I hope you are having a great week. In this week's shiur Rebbetzin Jaeger shares insights into the Power of Speech. The Wondrous Gift of Speech has been bestowed upon us by Hashem to reveal the good in reality. - When we speak with compassion, we merit Hashem's compassion.
- When we speak in ways that encourage SHALOM and UNITY, the Shechina (Hashem's presence) dwells among us.
We can BUILD people and worlds! A kind word, a pleasant compliment, a sincere prayer (tefillah), are just some examples. How can YOU encourage another person today? Listen to this NEW shiur by Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger as she shares beautiful insights from Sefer Bamidbar and the Wondrous Gift and Power of Speech. ENJOY! Warmest regards, Leah 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 To listen to the NEW AMAZING REPLAY with REBBETZIN TEHILA JAEGER Daughter of Rav Shlomo Friefeld ZT'L Sefer Bamidbar and The Power of Speech! L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a L'ilui nishmas Rochel Leah a'h bas Meiram a'h Please dial USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 Ext: 679572# L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a L'ilui nishmas Rochel Leah a'h bas Meiram a'h Also Available via Inspire by Wire: Please DIAL: USA: 718-906-6451 Israel: 02-372-3330 England: 03-30-124-0241 For Direct Access: Press 4, then 5, then 2, then 64 followed by the # sign ******************************************************** 🌷Next LIVE Tele Conference🌷 Monday, June 19th, 8:00pm Chicago time Dial In details: (USA) 717-908-1834 Access Code: 912708# ******************************************************** To stay informed and be notified - email: 613leah@gmail.com Please pass on to your family and friends, thank you!! L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a L'ilui nishmas Rochel Leah a'h bas Meiram a'h L'ilui nishmas Aryeh Leib a'h ben Yisroel Tzvi a'h L'ilui nishmas Sarah a'h bas Avigdor a'h Continued good health for Shmuel Ezriel ben Sarah Continued good health for Sarah Mirl bas Pessi L'ilui nishmas Avigdor a'h ben Nathan a'h L'ilui nishmas Moshe a'h ben Avigdor a'h L'ilui nishmas Sarah Henya a'h bas Nachman Leib a'h L'ilui nishmas Dan Ezra a'h ben Yaakov a'h L'ilui nishmas Natan a'h ben Yitzchok a'h L'ilui nishmas Chaya Masya bas Asher HaKohen L'ilui nishmas Leah Rochel bas Tzadok Dov a'h L'ilui nishmas Moshe Leibel a'h ben Mordechai a'h L'ilui nishmas Chaya Tova a'h bas Nachum a'h To stay informed and be notified - email: 613leah@gmail.com Please pass on to your family and friends, thank you!! | | | | | |
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