Pirchei Shabbos of Achdus Unites Boys Across the Midwest in an Unforgettable Weekend of Achdus and Growth; continued...
The program commenced on Thursday evening with a warm welcome from Rabbi Yehuda Kohn, the new National Director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel. His opening remarks set the stage for an extraordinary weekend filled with meaningful connections and personal development.
Throughout the weekend, the boys were immersed in a diverse range of activities. Engaging shiurim, geshmake learning sessions, exciting performances, contests, and thrilling outdoor adventures were all part of the packed schedule. Rabbi Yitzi Ackerman traveled in from Eretz Yisroel to lead the tefillos, zemiros, and ruach, creating an uplifting atmosphere of ruchniyus and inspiration.
One of the highlights was the Super Hasmadah seder held on Shabbos afternoon. During this session, the boys demonstrated remarkable dedication, engaging in an uninterrupted learning experience lasting almost two hours. Additionally, a unique Question and Answer session with Rabbi Heshy Forster, Menahel of The Veitzner Cheder in Chicago, served as a valuable opportunity for the boys to seek guidance on challenging scenarios that boys encounter in their daily lives.
Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudas Yisroel and senior advisor for the event delivered empowering divrei chizuk throughout Shabbos, expressed his admiration for the impact of the weekend. "This magnificent weekend left such a impression on everyone who attended," said Rabbi Becker. "Everyone left on such a spiritual high, each one feeling that this Shabbos served as an inspiration to recognize that they have the potential to accomplish great things in their lives."
"It was truly an amazing Shabbos. This was a unique and special opportunity for boys from the various communities to make lasting friendships with boys from around the country," said Rabbi Yehuda Kohn. "Watching the boys learn together and grow together was a truly remarkable experience. I look forward to Pirchei Agudas Yisroel hosting many more events like this one." |
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