Friday, August 11, 2023

Fwd: The Cottage Cheese Comeback; Jewish Day School Enrollment Trends; Strengthening Marital Harmony

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 10, 2023, 6:47 PM
Subject: The Cottage Cheese Comeback; Jewish Day School Enrollment Trends; Strengthening Marital Harmony
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Watch: Traveling on Fridays
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August 11-12, 2023 / 25 Av 5783


Isaiah 54:11-55:5


Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Elul


Rosh Chodesh Elul is celebrated on Thursday, August 17, and Friday, August 18.

featured icon FEATURED
Jewish Day School Enrollment Trends
Jewish Day School Enrollment Trends
Teach Coalition

A landmark inaugural study by Teach Coalition's new Office of Jewish Education Policy and Research suggests that young families are leaving New York for states with a lower cost of living, underscoring the need for tuition affordability.

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Watch: NCSY Unite Brings Together 3,000 in Israel
NCSY Summer
Watch: NCSY Unite Brings Together 3,000 in Israel

NCSY Unite was an incredible, energy-filled evening in three locations with 3,000 NCSYers, alumni, and friends. From Rabbi Leo Dee to Simcha Leiner, it was a meaningful and fun-filled evening that was truly one of the highlights of the summer.

Watch on Vimeo
Top Tri-State Students Intern With OU-JLIC Summer Programs
Top Tri-State Students Intern With OU-JLIC Summer Programs

OU-JLIC's Ascend program, in partnership with Onward Israel, is one of the five different opportunities OU-JLIC offers for post-high school and college students to live, learn and work in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Read More in the Jewish Link
OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack Builds Bridges With Israeli Leaders
OU Kosher
OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack Builds Bridges With Israeli Leaders

Among the top priorities for Rabbi Menachem Genack is regularly meeting with Israeli leaders in order to build and maintain their connections with OU Kosher and to make OU products more easily accessible to Israelis.

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Why the Low Bar for GOP Debates?
Maury Litwack
Why the Low Bar for GOP Debates?

Welcome to the first Republican presidential debate for the 2024 race. The event will take place on August 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and to qualify for participation, a candidate doesn't need much.

Read in Mishpacha Magazine
OU's Synagogue Initiatives Creates Support Network for Rabbis of Small and Midsize Communities
Synagogue Initiatives
OU's Synagogue Initiatives Creates Support Network for Rabbis of Small and Midsize Communities

For rabbis of small to midsize Orthodox communities in cities like Edmonton, Alberta, and San Antonio, Texas, professional life can feel lonely.

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Watch: Traveling on Fridays
OU Kosher
Watch: Traveling on Fridays

How much time should one set aside for traveling before Shabbat? Adapted from the OU Kosher Halacha Yomis email.

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Watch: Gitin Explored Video Series
All Daf
Watch: Gitin Explored Video Series

As Daf Yomi nears the end of maseches Gitin, All Daf collaborated with the Bais HaVaad of Lakewood to create a video of the Get process to present a visual background and enhance your learning.

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Strengthening Marital Harmony: Unlocking Parental Effectiveness with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin
Strengthening Marital Harmony: Unlocking Parental Effectiveness with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin, a seasoned psychotherapist, delves into the significance of enhancing shalom bayis as a means to enhance parental effectiveness and the practical steps two partners can take to improve their shalom bayis and their marriage.

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Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration Programming
Women's Initiative
Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration Programming

Join the OU Women's Initiative's Yemei Ratzon Ideas and Inspiration programming, which includes a pre-Rosh Chodesh journaling journey, Selichot Night with Slovie Jungreis Wolff and Michal Horowitz and Tzom Gedaliah with Shalvie Freidman.

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A Heightened Awareness of Mental Health
Women's Initiative
A Heightened Awareness of Mental Health

Teachers and rebbetzins participated in a conference that covered a range of topics including the teenage years, couple relationships, addiction, and eating disorders.

Read More in the Jewish Standard
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The True Reward
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The True Reward

Years ago, I would spend ten days each summer at a program known as Sinai Retreats, spending a nice chunk of each day teaching Torah to a group of intelligent young professionals who had not previously had that opportunity.

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Torah and Science: Conflict or Harmony?
Rabbi Shimshon Nadel
Torah and Science: Conflict or Harmony?

We all love it when science supports what the Torah says, but how do we reconcile things when they appear to disagree?

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The Cost of Words
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz
The Cost of Words

Why was Rebbe Shimon ben Gamliel so focused on proper speech?

Watch Now
The King's Garden: Understanding the Duality of Body and Soul
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
The King's Garden: Understanding the Duality of Body and Soul

The Midrash Aggadah describes a dispute between the soul and the body. Each one claims innocence from sin – the soul blames the body for acting on the devious thought and the body accuses the soul of its nefarious plans.

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The Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash
Rabbi Menachem Genack
The Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash

What is the difference between the Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash? And what was the status of the Mishkan Shiloh?

Read in Hebrew
Truth or Consequences
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Truth or Consequences

The ultimate veracity of a prophet will be determined by what he says and not by how he says it.

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Tefillin or Shabbos?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Tefillin or Shabbos?

If being in the hospital requires one to forgo performing a mitzvah, which mitzvah should one give up and why? Another real-life Q&A!

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The Deep Power of Joy
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Deep Power of Joy

Joy is not the first word that comes to mind when we think of Judaism as a moral code or the tear-stained pages of Jewish history. But what shines through so many of the psalms is pure, radiant joy.

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The Thief of Blessing
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
The Thief of Blessing

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