Friday, September 8, 2023

Fwd: Appreciating Shofar With SIE

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 10:09 AM
Subject: Appreciating Shofar With SIE
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Erev Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim-VaYeilech
22 Elul, 5783 — September 8, 2023
Year of Hakhel

To enrich your Rosh HaShanah experience and take it to the next level, Sichos in English is delighted to unveil a timeless maamar from their latest project, an addition to the acclaimed Lessons in Maamorim series, entitled Lessons in Siddur Im Dach, translated and elucidated by Rabbi Elisha Pearl.

The very first collection of the Alter Rebbe's maamarim to be published, Siddur Im Dach features a series of unique maamarim privately conveyed to the Alter Rebbe's inner circle. With his eloquent pen, the Mitteler Rebbe later transcribed these maamarim, publishing them in the margins of the siddur. With this exciting new project of Sichos in English, this classic work is now available for English speakers to access and learn.

Particularly, the maamar provided below is the original chassidic explanation on the mitzvah of shofar, now printed with additional insights. The Rebbeim instructed that every baal tokei'a should learn it on Rosh HaShanah morning, and the Rebbe further encouraged everyone else to study it as well. 

Whether you are blowing the shofar in shul or on mivtzo'im, or whether you are being yotzei the mitzvah on the listening end, this is for you!

Illuminate your Rosh HaShanah and start off your year on the right note! 

Ksivah Vachasima Tovah Leshanah Tovah Umesukah! May we be inscribed for a year of Geulah, and may we merit to hear the sounding of the great shofar with the arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu right now!

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