Friday, November 17, 2023

Fwd: Achdut in DC; Campus Antisemitism; Top 100 People

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Date: Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 7:59 PM
Subject: Achdut in DC; Campus Antisemitism; Top 100 People
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November 17-18, 2023 / 5 Kislev 5784


Malachi 1:1-2:7

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OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer Sounds the Alarm on Campus Antisemitism
OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer Sounds the Alarm on Antisemitism on Campus
Orthodox Union

Rabbi Hauer testified before the House earlier this week regarding antisemitism on college campuses and was interviewed by American and Israeli media including NBC, Fox News, Arutz7 and others.

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Watch: Washington Rally Recap
Watch: Washington Rally Recap
Orthodox Union

Watch a recap of Tuesday's rally for Israel in Washington, D.C., to see the incredible achdut experienced at this historic event.

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Florida Adds $25 Million in Security Funding
Teach FL
Florida Adds $25 Million in Security Funding

Teach Florida applauds the signing of a bill providing an additional $25 million in security funding for yeshivas and Jewish day schools.

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Top 100 People
Orthodox Union
Top 100 People

Teach Coalition founder Maury Litwack is included in the Algemeiner's "Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life in 2023."

Read in the Algemeiner
Don't Forget About Us
Rabbi Yisrael Motzen
Don't Forget About Us

In too many conversations with people going through genuinely distressful situations that need to be resolved, I hear apologies for bringing up their issues because of everything else going on. How many are not reaching out? How many are suffering in silence?

Read in the Jewish Press
Take Action: Send a Letter to Your Representative and Senators
Take Action: Send a Letter to Your Representative and Senators

Please take a moment to email your members of Congress, letting them know that you stood on the National Mall in support of Israel's right to defend itself and against antisemitism here in the United States. Ask your senators and representatives to support legislation to do the same.

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FEMA Grants Woefully Inadequate to Keep US Jews Safe
Orthodox Union
FEMA Grants 'Woefully Inadequate' to Keep US Jews Safe

The federal government must tackle Jew-hatred proactively, said Rabbi Moshe Hauer, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.

Read in JNS
Child Safety Month
Child Safety Month

Child Safety Month designates a full month to acknowledge the specific risks children encounter in their daily routines and actively work on preventing the harm that can result from those dangers.

View Flyer for Child Safety Month Programming
Rallying Cry
Maury Litwack
Rallying Cry

All Washington rallies, marches, and large gatherings have one intended audience — the president of the United States.

Read in Mishpacha Magazine
Yachad Participants Tour White House
Yachad Participants Tour White House

Imagine the thrill when 12 Yachad members were presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bowl at the Harry S Truman Bowling Alley on a recent visit to the White House.

Read in JNS
From Crisis to Community: OU-JLIC Israel's Tomato Harvest Success
From Crisis to Community: OU-JLIC Israel's Tomato Harvest Success

OU-JLIC Israel volunteers tackled a crucial need and harvested 23,000 kg of tomatoes in a day, aiding Israeli farms during worker shortages.

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Chizuk for Mothers of Chayalim
OU Israel
Chizuk for Mothers of Chayalim

OU Israel's L'Ayla Women's Initiative ran an evening of "Chizuk for Anglo Mothers of Chalayim" in Modiin. Speakers included Rabbanit Rachelle Sprecher Fraenkel, Paula Stern, Michal Silverstein, MS, and Rabbi Avi Berman.

Watch on YouTube
Read about the event in the Jerusalem Post
Bitachon in Our Times
Women's Initiative
Bitachon in Our Times

The OU Women's Initiative is launching the Bitachon in Our Times series with Yael Davidowitz, a 3-5 minute daily audio series that will examine the mitzvah of bitachon and explore practical strategies to more deeply inculcate trust in Hashem into our lives.

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Recent OU Mission to Israel
Karasick Synagogue Initiatives
Recent OU Mission to Israel

Rabbis and lay leaders on the recent OU Mission to Israel brought chizuk to hundreds impacted by the war.

Read in JNS
What Happens to Jewish Law During War?
What Happens to Jewish Law During War?

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, the esteemed Israeli posek, talks about the role of halacha during war.

Listen Now
Free Shabbos Candle Lighting Reminders!
All Torah
Free Shabbos Candle Lighting Reminders!

Now that the clock has changed, sign up for weekly reminders of Shabbos candle lighting times. Sign up via text by texting your zip code to 989.ou.light or sign up via WhatsApp by clicking the link below. Service is for the USA, Canada and Mexico only at this time.

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Igniting Victories for Parkinson's: Voice and Swallowing
Sunday, November 19, at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

Learn how to maintain voice and swallowing while living with Parkinson's. Presented by speech language pathologist Sarah Klein.

Register Now
Concepts and Misconceptions – Talking about Israel Today
Tuesday, November 21, at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

This presentation will explore common misconceptions and the dangerous spread of disinformation with regard to Israel today, and how to respond to and address these misconceptions thoughtfully and effectively. Presented by Adam Blue, director at CampWithUs and co-director of High School Affairs, StandWithUs.

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  Orthodox Union  
E-Cigarettes: Vaping and Tobacco Use by Youth in Our Community
December 6 and 18

Join a new, free, two-part virtual training for parents, yeshiva and seminary teachers, healthcare professionals and Jewish communal leaders on modern techniques for harm reduction.

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Shabbos and Pikuach Nefesh
L'Kadsho: Learning Shabbos, Living Shabbos
Shabbos and Pikuach Nefesh

This week, Rabbi Reuven Brand discusses the important topic of life-saving vis-à-vis hilchos Shabbos! Plus… Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz on the misunderstood principle of amira l'akum, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on using baby monitors on Shabbos, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon on parallels between the Mishkan and the creation of the world, Rabbi Rosner continues hadlakas neiros, and more!

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Zeal and Ideal
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Zeal and Ideal

Malachi, the last of the prophets, lived during the second Temple era. He describes how during that time period the Jews were lackluster in their bringing of korbanot.

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Yitzchak's Blessings
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Yitzchak's Blessings

The drama surrounding Yitzchak's blessings to Yaakov and Esav symbolizes and prefigures the future lottery between two goats, one destined to be brought to God and one to Azazel.

Read in Hebrew
Religion by Relegation
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l
Religion by Relegation

Why was Isaac successful with the third well, while failing with the first two?

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What Is Truth?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
What Is Truth?

More real questions from our readers, including: Is the truth important? Is it obligatory? Why does truth seem so powerless in the world?

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Why Did Isaac Love Esau?
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Why Did Isaac Love Esau?

Can we really take literally the proposition that Isaac loved Esau because "he had a taste for wild game," as if his affections were determined by his stomach? Surely not, when the very future of the covenant was at stake!

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What Mystery Pervades a Well!
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
What Mystery Pervades a Well!

One of the great benefits of visiting communities where I once lived and taught is the opportunity to meet people who were my students long ago.

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Do Clothes Make the Man?
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter
Do Clothes Make the Man?

The scent of the clothing; and do clothes make the man?

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What Cologne Did Yaakov Wear?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox
What Cologne Did Yaakov Wear?

Learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions!

Read Trivia Questions
Esav was (Spiritually) Tired
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Esav was (Spiritually) Tired

It is interesting to note that although individuals prior to Esav worked hard, they were never depicted as being tired.

Read More in Torah Tidbits
Shabbos Morning: Eating Before Kiddush?
Halacha Yomis
Shabbos Morning: Eating Before Kiddush?

Is it permissible to eat or drink before hearing kiddush on Shabbos morning?

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Photo gallery from the #marchforisrael rally: Swipe through to find your friends
Orthodox Union
Photo gallery from the #marchforisrael rally: Swipe through to find your friends
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What bracha do you make on Kind snacks bars?
OU Kosher
What bracha do you make on Kind snacks bars?
Watch on Instagram

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Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas
OU Press
Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas

In this inspiring work, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ztz"l, in his customary erudite and accessible approach, introduces his readers to one life-changing idea from each of the weekly parshiot.

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Vision from the Prophet and Counsel from the Elders: A Survey of Nevi'im and Ketuvim
OU Press
Vision from the Prophet and Counsel from the Elders: A Survey of Nevi'im and Ketuvim

In Vision from the Prophet and Counsel from the Elders, Rabbi Hayyim Angel takes the reader on a guided tour through Nevi'im and Ketuvim.

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