Monday, November 20, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Kislev 5784/November 20, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 6:21 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Kislev 5784/November 20, 2023
To: <>

November 20, 2023 - 7 Kislev 5784

In today's email update: Registration for the upcoming Agudah Convention; meetings with legislators; an unprecedented expansion of a scholarship for Florida children with special needs; the Blank family and YahalomNY; and the upcoming H3 National Business Halachah Summit.

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Thank You, Governor Hochul! Agudath Israel Acknowledges Elected Officials' Support

Since the beginning of the current crisis in Israel, Agudath Israel of America has arranged meetings with nearly 40 members of Congress in addition to many state and local elected officials across the country. The meetings have focused on asking policymakers to condemn Hamas, support Israel's right to defend itself, urge for the release of the hostages, and calling out and combating antisemitism. The meetings have also been an opportunity to thank those elected officials who have been unwavering in their support, despite facing fierce criticism from some constituents.

In the days following the attack on Israel, Agudath Israel sent a letter to President Biden thanking him for his powerful expression of support. More recently, Agudath Israel sent a letter to New York Governor Kathy Hochul thanking her for her "consistent and extraordinary leadership in combating the scourge of antisemitism" among other items of importance, and detailed the many actions she has taken on these matters. (See inset on right for a copy of the letter.)

We encourage our constituents to reach out to those who have stood with our community in its time of need and thank them - in person, with phone calls, and in writing.

Agudath Israel meets with Congressman Dan Goldman

Together with the Flatbush JCC, Agudah met with Congressman Goldman to thank him for his support for Israel, especially in light of his local office being vandalized, and discuss what more needs to be done to maintain support for Israel on the congressional level.

Agudath Israel met with Senator Ben Cardin

Senator Cardin, who is Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently returned from a trip to Israel and discussed his strong support for Israel, fighting rising antisemitism, and other related issues.

Agudath Israel's Florida Office Hails Expansion to Special Needs Scholarships 

Agudath Israel's Florida applauds Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature for expanding the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities to include all eligible students. 

The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities, originally passed in 2019, provides scholarships to students with special needs. Last year, Governor DeSantis and the Florida legislature awarded thousands of dollars per student to over 40,000 students with special needs. However, more students applied than the scholarship could provide for, leaving many students on the waiting list for adequate education. 

Read more below, or by clicking here

Agudah's Yahalom NY Partners with Chesed Mobility to Enable Homebound family to leave home

The Blank family of Brooklyn, New York has four young children, two of whom have a severe disability. Neither of the children who are medically fragile can walk, eat, or breathe on their own. It is impossible for the Blanks to leave home as a family – on vacation, to attend a simchah, or even to go to the ice cream store. 

The Blanks are members of YahalomNY, Agudath Israel's division that provides resources and support for New York families of children with special needs. Yahalom previously connected the Blanks with resources that enabled them to get two full-time nurses to help care for their children with disabilities, at a time when there was a nursing shortage. 

Read more below, or by clicking here

National Business Halacha Summit

Registration is now open!

December 27-28, 2023

Lombard, IL

Register at

Agudath Israel's Florida Office Hails Expansion to Special Needs Scholarships continued:

During last week's special session, the legislature passed legislation to take away the cap on how many students can qualify for the special needs scholarship, making it available for all students who are eligible for the scholarship. 

Rabbi Avrohom Luban, associate director of Agudah's Florida Office, testified in front of the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee & House Appropriations Committee on behalf of the Jewish community, explaining the need for more students to be able to receive this scholarship. 

"For many families, the Family Empowerment Scholarship is a lifeline," said Rabbi Luban in his testimony. "Removing the cap on how many students can receive the scholarship enables every child to have their specific needs addressed." 

"Governor DeSantis has long been an advocate for children to be educated in the way that is best for them, regardless of income level," said Rabbi Moshe Matz, director of Agudah's Florida Office. "The Agudah is grateful to Governor DeSantis for making the education of our children a priority, ensuring that every child can and will be educated according to his or her needs." 

Agudah's Yahalom NY Partners with Chesed Mobility to Enable Homebound family to leave home continued:

YahalomNY reached out to Chesed Mobility, a Lakewood-based nonprofit, and asked for the organization's help in procuring a van that has space for both of the Blanks' children, their aides, and their medical equipment.  

Chesed Mobility responded that they would be happy to help, although the family had unique requirements, and it would be costly. YahalomNY and Chesed Mobility worked with friends of the family and the community who successfully raised the money to provide a van for the Blanks. 

"We have provided vans for over 100 individuals but finding a van that could fit not one, but two wheelchairs and accessories was a challenge," said Rabbi Raphael Gelly, director of Chesed Mobility. "It took a group of incredible people working together, and when we presented the Blanks with their van, it was a very fulfilling moment." 

"Every time Yahalom successfully matches an individual with the right resources, it is a beautiful story," said Miss Tova Wacholder, director of YahalomNY. "Watching the Blanks go out as a family was a particularly magnificent moment. 

To donate towards Chesed Mobility's life-changing work, visit Contact them at

To contact Miss Wacholder at YahalomNY, call 212.747.8763 or email

To contact a different Yahalom office: 

Yahalom Chicago: Mrs. Fiona Kark, 773.279.8400 ext. 266, 

Yahalom NJ:  Mrs. Chana Laniado, 848.285.8444,

Yahalom FL: Mrs. Tzippy Richmond, 305.532.2500 ext. 3, 

Yahalom MD: Mrs. Meira Burkom, 667.430.0901, 

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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