Friday, January 19, 2024

Fwd: Learn Basi LeGani

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 12:40 PM
Subject: Learn Basi LeGani
To: <>

Tes Shvat, 5784 — January 19, 2024

One of the various instructions given over by the Rebbe for Yud Shvat is to study the five chapters of the Maamar Basi LeGani from the Frierdiker Rebbe.

In adherence to this guidance, Sichos in English is once again making available these chapters from the upcoming sefer, Lessons in Basi LeGani, to be studied throughout this auspicious day. 

Access the downloadable version for easy printing in time for Yud Shvat.

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