Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fwd: Get (a little?) FIRED UP for Purim!

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024, 11:00 AM
Subject: Get (a little?) FIRED UP for Purim!
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Stands Together With Israel

Click here for resources, materials and recordings about the current situation in Israel. Please have in mind for all the learning on YUTorah to be a merit for the Jewish community in Israel and around the world, and be a protection for the IDF soldiers and captives currently in danger.

February 20-26 • Adar I 11-17

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Judy & Mark Frankel & family l'ilui nishmos מרדכי בן הרב משה יהודה ע"ה and משה יהודה ז"ל בן מאיר אליהו ויהודית

by Chana and Shmuel Goldstein and family as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Binyamin ben Mirel

by Dr. Yechiel and Estee Herskovics to mark the yahrtzeit of הרב דר'. מאיר בן אברהם

by Aleeza and Natanel Lebowitz l'ilui nishmas R' Sholom ben Aryeh Leib

by the Cantor Family to mark the shloshim of their nephew and cousin, Zechariah Pesach ben Aharon Baruch Haber HY"D

by Tommy and Perrie Gelb l'ilui nishmas R' Yehoshua ben Avrohom z"l whose yahrzeit is 5 Adar Aleph

by the Spira Family l'ilui nishmat Chanoch ben Moshe Chaim, Dr. Thomas Spira 

New This Week


Rabbi Eli Belizon

Birkas Hamazon B'kezayis V'mitzvas Megillah

A special shiur given to parents and students at the 2024 Dor L'Dor program at Yeshiva University.

Listen Now

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Mitzvos for Hurt Feelings and Bruised Friendships: Hashem's Psychological Advice for Us

An analysis of the Rambam's treatment of Mitzvos Bein Adam L'Chavero at the end of Hilchos De'os.

Listen Now

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Birchas Hagomel for Rescued Captives Over Zoom

The halacha behind the incredible story of Norberto Louis Har, recently rescued from Gaza, and the Birchas Hagomel he made in front of the YU Beit Midrash in NY.

Listen Now

Rabbi Uri Orlian

Practical Applications of Hilchos Yichud in Dating, Babysitting & Professional Settings

Is yichud a Torah or rabbinic prohibition? Does it matter?

Listen Now

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael

Why didn't the Rambam count it in the Minyan HaMitzvos?

Listen Now

Rabbi Baruch Simon

Children Doing Melacha on Shabbos

What's permitted and prohibited to ask a child to do on Shabbos? What age child are we talking about?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Get FIRED UP for Purim (Katan)!

Learn all about the laws and meaning of this (small) holiday that's a lot bigger than it seems.

Browse the Shiurim

Start Learning Mishna Yomi

Now's the perfect time to start the daily learning of 2 mishna a day, with the program starting Nedarim this week! Choose from multiple teachers to learn with daily on YUTorah.

Browse the Shiurim

Marking Rav Zevulun Charlop's zt"l Shloshim

The Yeshiva recently marked the shloshim of longtime RIETS Dean Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, with hespedim from Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Baruch Simon, Rabbi Michael Taubes, Rabbi Ari Zahtz, a

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