----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <myysbyy@aol.com>Sent: Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 2:31 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Rabbi Travis - Brocha When Eating 76 Hot Dogs In Ten Minutes?--
Q&A Update
March 15 2024 / 5 Adar Bet 5784
By Rabbi Daniel Travis
Rabbi Daniel Travis is Rosh Kollel of Kollel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim and the author of a number of seforim, including Shailos Uteshuvos Toras Chaim and Praying With Joy 1-5, practical daily guides to improving one's prayers, available from Feldheim Publishers.
For more information about his work or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email dytravis613@gmail.com
Video Message from Rabbi Travis
Exciting New Series To Help You Stop Suffering
Stop Suffering #1 - Meet Yedidya
Questions & Answers
Based on divrei halachah heard from Rav Azriel Auerbach and Rav Shlomo Zafrani. The answers given here are the general rule, but each case is unique and must be referred to a posek.
Rav Azriel Auerbach
Rav Shlomo Zafrani
For a private appointment with the rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel, or to send questions, email Rabbi Travis at dytravis613@gmail.com.
Selected shailos will be printed in this column.
The author expresses his gratitude to
R' Naftali and Rivki Leshkowitz
who sponsor the shaylos and teshuvos program of Kollel Toras Chaim
and the weekly questions. For more information about Rabbi Travis's work
or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email dytravis613@gmail.com.
Brocha When Eating 76 Hot Dogs in Ten Minutes?
I am a fundraiser and someone recently proposed the following fundraising idea. In camps in the United
States, it is common to find eating competitions. In the course of these contests, the participants have to
eat as much of one certain food as possible within ten minutes. In one such competition, one of the
competitors actually consumed 76 hotdogs in their buns within ten minutes.
There are two points I would like to clarify before implementing this idea. My first question is: For such
an unusual way of eating, would a person make a brocha beforehand? I made a calculation that 76
hotdogs within ten minutes comes out to about one hotdog every eight seconds. It is hard to believe that
the competitors enjoy this.
My second and more important concern is that the posuk in Mishlei says that the ways of Torah are
darchei noam, ways of pleasantness. It does not seem to be in line with the elevated ways of the Torah to
stage such a competition. Even though this donor is willing to sponsor this event and donate a significant
amount of money for every hotdog consumed, I am hesitant about agreeing to something that could be
considered a chillul Hashem.
Thank you.
Rav Auerbach:
Before I deal with whether you should agree to this offer, I will discuss the brocha on such a competition,
as it is a complicated question.
The Gemara (Sanhedrin 62b) says that if one eats cheilev, forbidden fat, even if he is misaseik, consume
the fat inadvertently, the Torah still obligates him for his action, since he gets pleasure from the food.
The Rambam (Maachalos Assuros 14:12) adds that someone who eats lesacheik, as part of a game, is also
included in this obligation.
From this Rambam, we see that if one eats as part of a contest, it is still considered to be an act of eating
that one is liable for, since he is getting pleasure from the act. In regards to Hilchos Brachos, the Gemara
(Brachos 35a) teaches us that anyone who gets pleasure from this world without first reciting a brocha is
considered to have violated the transgression of me'ilah, misappropriation of hekdesh.
This halacha applies even if one's primary focus in eating is not to get pleasure, but for some other
reason. Based on this rule, even if one's intention in eating a specific food is to get better from a sickness,
a brocha is still recited (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 204:8). Based on this, I believe that even if one is
eating so fast, he is still considered to be getting pleasure from the hotdogs and still needs to recite a
brocha before eating the hotdogs.
As far as your second question, it seems clear to me that this is not appropriate Torah conduct and is
coming from boredom. In addition, I believe that it is extremely unhealthy to eat so fast, and a Jew is
supposed to do everything possible to stay healthy in order to serve Hashem properly.
I would like to suggest an alternative competition - that each participant should learn as many Mishnayos
as he can within ten minutes. Although one should generally learn Mishnayos slowly and carefully so that
he understands them properly, nevertheless, in order to create an exciting atmosphere, you can have
bochurim learn them quickly. This is a much healthier contest both for your body and your neshomah.
I give you a brocha that Hashem should send you all the funds you require in a way that clearly shows His
infinite mercy and benevolence.
Rabbi Travis gives a daily shiur on
Thanking Hashem
for things that seem bad
See it at: TorahAnytime.com
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Rabbi Daniel Travis
You can securely contribute via PayPal with the link below:
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Checks can be mailed to:
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Forest Hills, NY 11375
Wall Street Torah
is an organization founded by Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg z"tl and under the leadership of other authorities in Choshen Mishpat and business law that is run by Rabbi Daniel Travis.
The organization aims to meet twice a year in Manhattan to discuss issues relevant to business people.
To submit questions
or to find out more, email
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