Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Fw: [-aneinu] Updated Refoeinu List
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "myysbyy@aol.com" <Myysbyy@aol.com>Cc:Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 2:53 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Updated Refoeinu List--BS"DDear Aneinu Members,Baruch Dayan HaEmes. With sorrow I inform you of the petira of "Rena bat Nitza". I have no other information at this time.Yehi zichra baruch.May we hear besoros tovos.Chag Kasher v'Sameach,Chaya MiriamChicago Aneinu Refoeinu ListMiriam Devorah bas MirelAbba ben AriellaAbra Sisel bat Dana RivkaAdelya bat AvishagAdina bas MiriamAdina Michal bas PerelAharon ben SarahAhron Yaakov ben Roza RivaAhuvah Gittel bas Chaya RochelAidel Baila bas ToobaAliza Fradel bas ChanaAliza Rivka bat Yehudit LeahAlona bas GeorgetteAmalia Ruchel bas DevorahAriella Ylena bat Rachel DeborahAryeh Leib ben Rivka HennaAsher Zelig ben Yehudis Rochel BreindelAsiel Chaim Shalom ben ChanaAvigdor Baruch ben Shoshana EstherAvigdor Yisroel ben Shoshana ShaindelAviva bas ReizlAviva Chaika bas Yehudis ShulamisAviva Shulamit bat Sara ImeinuAviva Yaffa bat Sera VitaAvrohom Menashe ben Rochel MiriamAvrohom Shmuel HaCohen ben Sara LeahBaila bat Chaya AnnieBaruch ben BlumaBaruch Yissacher Berish ben Kreindel Atarah YehudisBaruch Yona ben Rivka GoldaBasya bas Sara AvivaBatsheva bat Chantza BlumaBatsheva bas Tzirel BrachaBatya bat Chaya SarahBecher ben Ilana (Becker)Betsalel ben SaraBoruch Yehuda ben SarahBracha bas Chava FeigaBracha Alexandra bas LeahBracha Rachel bas Chava SarahBrocha Esther bas SoraChaim ben MiriamChaim Shmuel ben Leah YochevedChana bas BashaChana bas EstherChana bas Esther MalkaChana bas Tzipora RaiselChana Devora bas RusChana Fruma bas FaygaChana Gavriella bat Esther RivkaChana Raizel bas RachilChana Royza bas Chaya RochelChana Sora bas ChayaChanaan Elimelech ben JoanneChanina Chana bat Lulu LeahChasha Esther bas AydelChava bat Elisheva SarahChava Shulamis bas MiriamChava Yosefa bas RivkaChaya bas EstherChaya bat SarahChaya Elana Tova bas ItaChaya Fagel bas Bobbsie GittelChaya Menucha Brocha bas ElanaChaya Perel Yitta bas Sarah RivkaChaya Rochel bas Masha LibaChaya Shayna bas PesiaChaya Sheindel bas Chaya RochelChaya Zelda bat LeahDaphna Ariella bat Dina MalkaDavid Namet ben MohtaramDeana Batsheva bat BrachaDevorah bas ErikaDevorah Esther bas Smara MiraDoniel Aharon ben Davida RochelDoniel Moshe Tzvi ben Sara YehudisDov Meir ben Alta ChayaDovid ben BaylaDovid ben Chaya RivkahDovid Eliezer ben EstherDovid Hillel ben YochevedDovid Yitzchok ben Chaya SaraEfraim ben LeahEitan Meir ben LioraElana bas RochelElana bas SoraHillel Ellchonon ben HennaEliezer ben Miriam RaizelEliezer Betzalel ben DevorahEliezer Boruch ben Chaya LeahEliezer Dovid Ben Ita ChavaEliezer Shraga ben Yocheved ChanaElisheva bas MichelleElimelech Shlomo ben ChayaEliyahu ben SoraElke Tikvah bas DinaEsther bas AvivaEsther Sharon bas Chana RaizelEtta Leah bas RaizelEzra ben Chaya BailaFaiga bas Chaya BailaFeivel Dovid ben Bayla FraidelFraydel bat SaraGabriella Bracha bas Naomi Hadar LeibaGadol Simcha Ben Leah ChayaGari Gidon ben LeahGavriel Shlomo ben Libah MaryamGavriel Yehuda ben Chaya SarahGedaliah ben Zivia LeahGila Chana bat Malka RochelGittel bas Sora RivkaGittle bas KreindelGolda bas Bracha FraidaHillel Ellchonon ben HennaHindel Leah bas Pearyl BashaIliya Eliezer Ishayah ben Roza ShushanaJanet Sarah bat HeshmatJona bat PaulineKeren bas YehudisLayah bas Chayah SarahLeah bas ItaLeah bas Rivka GoldaLeah Shaindel bas FrumaLeelee Leeba Masa bat ShanaLev ben RachelMalka Bracha bas Shaina RochelMalka Chana bas SaraMalka Rivka bat RachelMalka Rochel bat EstherMargaret bas BarbaraMasha Leah bas Chava Mina ChayaMati Rut bas AriellaMayer Leib ben Chana RochelMeir Ephraim ben Ita RivkaMeira Leah bas HindaMendel ben RochelMeyer Naftali ben RochelMichaela Gayla bat Barbara AliceMikhail ben MiriamMindle Freyda bat Bracha ZeldaMira Esther bas TemaMiriam bat ShayndelMiriam bas TzipporaMiriam Aidel bas Sara MalkaMiriam Aliza bat Shifra ChanaMiriam Bracha bas Malka LeahMiriam Golda bas Chaya GittelMiriam Rochel bat SarahMordechai Dov ben RivkaMoshe ben Rivka LeahMoshe Shmuel ben Sarah Bas TzionNachum Rachmiel ben Sarah MiriamNaomi Hadar Leiba bas AidelNaftali ben BaylaNecha Reitza bas Sara YehuditNoam Yehoshua ben YehuditNuosa bat FaigaOra Bracha bas Yedida YaffaPesha Leah bas ChasiaPessie Elkie bas BettyRachel bas AvivaRachel Leah bas AvivaRachel Shulamit bat Sarah EstherRafael Moshe ben ChanaRaphoel Nissim ben Gavriella EstherRefael Yosef ben RochelRefoel Yitzchak Gershon ben Simcha Yaffa ShainaReuven ben MalkaReuven Aryeh ben MiriamReyna bas Chava (Ray-na)Rivka bas ChanaRivka bas RachelRivka Chana bat SimchaRivka Fradel bas Chaya AsnaRivka Leah bat Yocheved NechamaRivka Shaindel bas Malka RaitzaRochel bas MiriamRochel bas SarahRochel bas Sora TzipaRochel bas ZlataRochel Faige bas DeenaRochel Leah bas Cecal DevorahRochel Leah bat ChanaRochel Leah bas Zeesel DevorahRofoel Kalman Michoel ben Rachelle Yetta RivkaRuchel bat ChayaRyna Chaya bas RivkaSandor ben Janet BethSara Esther bas Chaya DevorahSara Vered bas ShoshanaSarah bas Chaya TziviaSarah bas Elka Sima BrachaSarah bas RachelSarah Malka bas SarahSarah Rachel bas Nechama EstherSeema Zeissel bas Raizel DeenahSender ben RusShaindel Feige bas Yenta GoldaShalom Yaakov ben ToobaShana Perel bas MalkaShayna Golda bat LeahShayna Perel bat TzirilSheindel Tema bas Rochel ZlataShimon ben RachelShira Devora bas MazelShira Vered bat RachelShlomo Baruch ben PerlaShlomo Moshe ben UdyShlomo Yaakov ben Nechama LeibieShmuel ben ItaShmuel Avrohom Tzvi Yosef ben Shayna ShayndelSholom ben BasyaSholom Dovid ben GoldaShoshana bas Perel KraindelShoshana Basya bas Yocheved BaylaShoshana Chava bas SarahShulamis Esther bas BailaShulamis Tova bas Yehudit MeiraSimcha ben Chayah SarahSimcha Dov Ber ben Chaya FraidaSora Chana bas MashaTal-Or Yekutiel haKohain ben Chaya TziviaTamar bas BrachaTamar bat Chasida Fruma RivkaTamar bat Shulamit ShalamaTuvia Baruch ben ShulamisTzirel bas Elka GoldaTzipporah Faigeh bas GoldaTzipporah Zahava bat Sara BrachaTzivia bat ErnaYaacov Eliezer ben Sharona ChayaYaakov ben Revah LeahYaakov Aaron ben RochelYaakov Chaim ben Janet BethYael bat Toba HindaYehoshua Heschel ben Shartza BabtchaYehuda Avraham ben Bracha NachaYehuda Dov ben Sarah AhuvaYehuda Leib ben FrumaYehuda Leib ben Chaya FeigaYehudis bas RusYehudit Basha bat Carol BonnaYerachmiel Simcha ben Feigy ItaYetta Leah bas SorahYisrael David Ben GittelYisraela bat EstherYisroel Alter ben Chava ChanaYitzchok ben PeshaYitzchok Boruch ben Leba PerelYitzchok Moshe ben PerelYitzhak Alexander ben Devorah GitelYochanan ben SarahYochanan Dov ben Chana BashaYona bas ZeldaYonah bat PaulineYosef Chaim ben Esther BlumaYosef Pinchas ben Sarah MaytaYosef Shalom ben Elisheva TamarYosef Shmuel ben Rivkah LeahYosefa bas Chaya LeahYosefa Devorah bas Shaina EstherYousef ben RohangizZaha'ra Rena bas Elisheva ChanaZalman ben RivkahZehava bas SaraZelda bas RivkaZelda Kayla bas Sara RochelZev ben RaizelZev Raphael ben Leah Shoshana
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Fw: [-aneinu] Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "myysbyy@aol.com" <Myysbyy@aol.com>Cc:Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:55 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29--Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29
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Fw: [-aneinu] Approved Stores after Pesach
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "myysbyy@aol.com" <Myysbyy@aol.com>Cc:Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:53 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Approved Stores after Pesach
cRc Kashrus Alert
April 2024
All cRc certified stores, caterers, restaurants (https://consumer.crckosher.org/restaurants/) and factories have sold their chametz for Pesach.
The following CHICAGO AREA STORES are approved for purchasing chametz immediately after Pesach. (Please check with your local kashrus agency for details regarding stores outside of the Chicago area.)
Aldi's (All Chicagoland Locations)
Anton's (Highland Park, IL)
Binny's Beverage Depot (All locations)
City Fresh Market (Devon & Kedzie, Chicago, IL)
Costco (All Chicagoland Locations)
CVS Pharmacy (All Chicagoland Locations)
Dollar Tree Stores (All Chicagoland Locations)
Food 4 Less (All Chicagoland Locations)
GFS - Gordon Food Service (All Chicagoland Locations)
Jewel-Osco (All Chicagoland Locations per OU)
Kol Tuv (Chicago)
Kroger (All Chicagoland Locations)
Market Place on Oakton (Skokie, IL)
Mariano's Supermarkets (All Chicagoland Locations)
Meijer (All Chicagoland Locations)
Petco (All Chicagoland Locations)
Pet Smart (All Chicagoland Locations)
Pet Supplies Plus (Lincolnwood, IL)
Regal Health Food (Grand Ave., Chicago, IL)
Sam's Club (All Chicagoland Locations)
Sarah's Tent (Skokie, IL)
Save A Lot (All Chicagoland Locations)
Target (All Chicagoland Locations)
Trader Joe's (All Chicagoland Locations)
Treasure Island (All Chicagoland Locations)
Valli Produce (Evanston)
Village Market Place (Dempster, Skokie, IL)
Walgreens (All Chicagoland Locations)
Walmart (All Chicagoland Locations)
Whole Foods (All Chicagoland Locations)
7-Eleven - The following Chicagoland stores are approved:
2741 W. Touhy Ave, 5610 N. Kimball Ave, 7950 N. Crawford Ave, and 8357 Skokie Blvd
Although cRc-certified during most of the year, many products manufactured by Eli's Cheesecake are not certified during Passover. These products have the cRc logo removed or covered and are not kosher-certified. Please be careful to check Eli's Cheesecake products for the cRc logo.
Get the cRc Kosher app on the Apple and Google Play Store.
Visit us at www.cRcKosher.org/consumer
For current product information, visit www.ASKcRc.org where kosher consumers can check the kosher status of hechsherim, beverages, liquors, foods, fruits & vegetables, Slurpees, medicines, and more.
Questions? Contact us today at info@crckosher.org
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Fw: [-aneinu] Urgent Action Needed
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <myysbyy@aol.com>Cc:Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:48 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Urgent Action Needed--
Dear Friends,
We hope you are having a meaningful Pesach.
The OU and OU Advocacy have been in constant contact about the deteriorating situation on college campuses with the White House, Congress, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Education. We remain deeply disturbed by what is happening and by the ineffectiveness of the response of university and governmental administrations.
There are meaningful efforts in Congress that need your support, including the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act - which the House of Representatives will vote on this Wednesday. Please act NOW upon the specific action alert below from Nathan Diament, Executive Director of OU Advocacy.
We are continuing to work on this matter and will share with you further efforts to address it.
Chag Kasher v'Sameach,
Mitchel Aeder
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President
Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph
Executive Vice President & COO
Dear Students and Families,
We understand the fear and concern you must be experiencing due to rising antisemitism on college campuses and in some K-12 schools. It's especially disturbing to see harassment, violence, and even calls for genocide happening on "elite" university campuses. This is unacceptable, and your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.
In response to this scourge of hate, Representatives Mike Lawler (R-NY) and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act. This bill would require the U.S. Department of Education to utilize the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition.
Passing this legislation will help turn the tide in the fight against campus antisemitism and give Jewish students the justice and peace of mind they deserve on campus.
Please take prompt action and share this email with your friends and loved ones.
Thank you for taking action against campus antisemitism.
Nathan Diament
Executive Director, OU Advocacy
The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center is the non-partisan public policy arm of the Orthodox Union and leads its advocacy efforts in Washington, DC.
40 Rector Street, New York NY 10006
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Friday, April 26, 2024
Bonus Divar Torah For 5784(2024) For October 7th
Divar Torah On Haggadah #3 5784(2024)
Divar Torah On Haggadah #2 5784 (2024)
Divar Torah On Haggadah # 1 5784 (2024)
Fwd: Celebrate the Feast of Moshiach
From: Chabad.org <inspiration@chabad.org>
Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2024, 9:14 AM
Subject: Celebrate the Feast of Moshiach
To: agentemes4@gmail.com <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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