Sunday, April 28, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Updated Refoeinu List

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
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Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 2:53 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Updated Refoeinu List

Dear Aneinu Members,

Baruch Dayan HaEmes.  With sorrow I inform you of the petira of "Rena bat Nitza". I have no other information at this time. 

Yehi zichra baruch. 

May we hear besoros tovos.

Chag Kasher v'Sameach,
Chaya Miriam

Chicago Aneinu Refoeinu List
Miriam Devorah bas Mirel
Abba ben Ariella
Abra Sisel bat Dana Rivka
Adelya bat Avishag
Adina bas Miriam
Adina Michal bas Perel
Aharon ben Sarah
Ahron Yaakov ben Roza Riva
Ahuvah Gittel bas Chaya Rochel 
Aidel Baila bas Tooba
Aliza Fradel bas  Chana
Aliza Rivka bat Yehudit Leah
Alona bas Georgette
Amalia Ruchel bas Devorah
Ariella Ylena bat Rachel Deborah
Aryeh Leib ben Rivka Henna
Asher Zelig ben Yehudis Rochel Breindel
Asiel Chaim Shalom ben Chana
Avigdor Baruch ben Shoshana Esther
Avigdor Yisroel ben Shoshana Shaindel
Aviva bas  Reizl
Aviva Chaika bas Yehudis Shulamis
Aviva Shulamit bat Sara Imeinu
Aviva Yaffa bat Sera Vita
Avrohom Menashe ben Rochel Miriam
Avrohom Shmuel HaCohen ben Sara Leah
Baila bat Chaya Annie
Baruch ben Bluma
Baruch Yissacher Berish ben Kreindel Atarah Yehudis
Baruch Yona ben Rivka Golda
Basya bas Sara Aviva
Batsheva bat  Chantza Bluma
Batsheva bas Tzirel Bracha
Batya bat Chaya Sarah
Becher ben Ilana (Becker)
Betsalel ben Sara
Boruch Yehuda ben Sarah
Bracha bas Chava Feiga
Bracha Alexandra bas Leah
Bracha Rachel bas Chava Sarah
Brocha Esther bas Sora
Chaim ben Miriam
Chaim Shmuel ben Leah Yocheved
Chana bas Basha
Chana bas Esther
Chana bas Esther Malka
Chana bas Tzipora Raisel
Chana Devora bas Rus
Chana Fruma bas Fayga
Chana Gavriella bat Esther Rivka
Chana Raizel bas Rachil
Chana Royza bas Chaya Rochel 
Chana Sora bas Chaya
Chanaan Elimelech ben Joanne
Chanina Chana bat Lulu Leah
Chasha Esther bas Aydel
Chava bat Elisheva Sarah
Chava Shulamis bas Miriam
Chava Yosefa bas Rivka
Chaya bas Esther
Chaya bat Sarah
Chaya Elana Tova bas Ita
Chaya Fagel bas Bobbsie Gittel
Chaya Menucha Brocha bas Elana
Chaya Perel Yitta bas Sarah Rivka
Chaya Rochel bas Masha Liba
Chaya Shayna bas Pesia
Chaya Sheindel bas Chaya Rochel
Chaya Zelda bat Leah
Daphna Ariella bat Dina Malka
David Namet ben Mohtaram
Deana Batsheva bat Bracha
Devorah bas Erika
Devorah Esther bas Smara Mira
Doniel Aharon ben Davida Rochel
Doniel Moshe Tzvi ben Sara Yehudis
Dov Meir ben Alta Chaya
Dovid ben Bayla
Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah
Dovid Eliezer ben Esther
Dovid Hillel ben Yocheved
Dovid Yitzchok ben Chaya Sara
Efraim ben Leah
Eitan Meir ben Liora
Elana bas Rochel
Elana bas Sora
Hillel Ellchonon ben Henna
Eliezer ben Miriam Raizel
Eliezer Betzalel ben Devorah
Eliezer Boruch ben Chaya Leah
Eliezer Dovid Ben Ita Chava
Eliezer Shraga ben Yocheved Chana
Elisheva bas Michelle
Elimelech Shlomo ben Chaya
Eliyahu ben Sora
Elke Tikvah bas Dina
Esther bas Aviva
Esther Sharon bas Chana Raizel
Etta Leah bas Raizel
Ezra ben Chaya Baila
Faiga bas Chaya Baila
Feivel Dovid ben Bayla Fraidel 
Fraydel bat Sara
Gabriella Bracha bas Naomi Hadar Leiba
Gadol Simcha Ben Leah Chaya
Gari Gidon ben Leah
Gavriel Shlomo ben Libah Maryam
Gavriel Yehuda ben Chaya Sarah
Gedaliah ben Zivia Leah
Gila Chana bat Malka Rochel
Gittel bas Sora Rivka
Gittle bas Kreindel
Golda bas Bracha Fraida
Hillel Ellchonon ben Henna
Hindel Leah bas Pearyl Basha
Iliya Eliezer Ishayah ben Roza Shushana
Janet Sarah bat Heshmat
Jona bat Pauline
Keren bas Yehudis
Layah bas Chayah Sarah 
Leah bas Ita 
Leah bas Rivka Golda
Leah Shaindel bas Fruma
Leelee Leeba Masa bat Shana
Lev ben Rachel
Malka Bracha bas Shaina Rochel
Malka Chana bas Sara
Malka Rivka bat Rachel 
Malka  Rochel bat Esther
Margaret bas Barbara
Masha Leah bas Chava Mina Chaya
Mati Rut bas Ariella
Mayer Leib ben Chana Rochel
Meir Ephraim ben Ita Rivka
Meira Leah bas Hinda
Mendel ben Rochel
Meyer Naftali ben Rochel
Michaela Gayla bat Barbara Alice
Mikhail ben Miriam
Mindle Freyda bat Bracha Zelda
Mira Esther bas Tema 
Miriam bat Shayndel
Miriam bas Tzippora
Miriam Aidel bas Sara Malka
Miriam Aliza bat Shifra Chana
Miriam Bracha bas Malka Leah
Miriam Golda bas Chaya Gittel
Miriam Rochel bat Sarah
Mordechai Dov ben Rivka
Moshe ben Rivka Leah
Moshe Shmuel ben Sarah Bas Tzion
Nachum Rachmiel ben Sarah Miriam
Naomi Hadar Leiba bas Aidel
Naftali ben Bayla
Necha Reitza bas Sara Yehudit
Noam Yehoshua ben Yehudit
Nuosa bat Faiga
Ora Bracha bas Yedida Yaffa
Pesha Leah bas Chasia
Pessie Elkie bas Betty
Rachel bas Aviva
Rachel Leah bas Aviva
Rachel Shulamit bat Sarah Esther
Rafael Moshe ben Chana
Raphoel Nissim ben Gavriella Esther
Refael Yosef ben Rochel
Refoel Yitzchak Gershon ben Simcha Yaffa Shaina
Reuven ben Malka
Reuven Aryeh ben Miriam
Reyna bas Chava (Ray-na)
Rivka bas Chana
Rivka bas Rachel
Rivka Chana bat Simcha
Rivka Fradel bas Chaya Asna
Rivka Leah bat Yocheved Nechama
Rivka Shaindel bas Malka Raitza
Rochel bas Miriam
Rochel bas Sarah
Rochel bas Sora Tzipa
Rochel bas Zlata
Rochel  Faige bas Deena
Rochel Leah bas Cecal Devorah
Rochel Leah bat Chana
Rochel Leah bas Zeesel Devorah
Rofoel Kalman Michoel ben Rachelle Yetta Rivka
Ruchel bat Chaya
Ryna Chaya bas Rivka
Sandor ben Janet Beth
Sara Esther bas Chaya Devorah
Sara Vered bas Shoshana
Sarah bas Chaya Tzivia
Sarah bas Elka Sima Bracha
Sarah bas Rachel
Sarah Malka bas Sarah
Sarah Rachel bas Nechama Esther
Seema Zeissel bas Raizel Deenah
Sender ben Rus
Shaindel Feige bas Yenta Golda
Shalom Yaakov ben Tooba
Shana Perel bas Malka
Shayna Golda bat Leah
Shayna Perel bat Tziril
Sheindel Tema bas Rochel Zlata
Shimon ben Rachel
Shira Devora bas Mazel
Shira Vered bat Rachel
Shlomo Baruch ben Perla
Shlomo Moshe ben Udy
Shlomo Yaakov ben Nechama Leibie
Shmuel ben Ita
Shmuel Avrohom Tzvi Yosef ben Shayna Shayndel
Sholom ben Basya
Sholom Dovid ben Golda
Shoshana bas Perel Kraindel
Shoshana Basya bas Yocheved Bayla
Shoshana Chava bas Sarah
Shulamis Esther bas Baila
Shulamis Tova bas Yehudit Meira
Simcha ben Chayah Sarah
Simcha Dov Ber ben Chaya Fraida
Sora Chana bas Masha
Tal-Or Yekutiel haKohain ben Chaya Tzivia
Tamar bas Bracha
Tamar bat Chasida Fruma Rivka
Tamar bat Shulamit Shalama
Tuvia Baruch ben Shulamis
Tzirel bas Elka Golda
Tzipporah Faigeh bas Golda
Tzipporah Zahava bat Sara Bracha
Tzivia bat Erna
Yaacov Eliezer ben Sharona Chaya
Yaakov ben Revah Leah
Yaakov Aaron ben Rochel
Yaakov Chaim ben Janet Beth
Yael bat Toba Hinda
Yehoshua Heschel ben Shartza Babtcha
Yehuda Avraham ben Bracha Nacha
Yehuda Dov ben Sarah Ahuva
Yehuda Leib ben Fruma
Yehuda Leib ben Chaya Feiga
Yehudis bas Rus
Yehudit Basha bat Carol Bonna
Yerachmiel Simcha ben Feigy Ita
Yetta Leah bas Sorah
Yisrael David Ben Gittel
Yisraela bat Esther
Yisroel Alter ben Chava Chana
Yitzchok ben Pesha
Yitzchok Boruch ben Leba Perel
Yitzchok Moshe ben Perel
Yitzhak Alexander ben Devorah Gitel
Yochanan ben Sarah
Yochanan Dov ben Chana Basha
Yona bas Zelda
Yonah bat Pauline
Yosef Chaim ben Esther Bluma
Yosef Pinchas ben Sarah Mayta
Yosef Shalom ben Elisheva Tamar
Yosef Shmuel ben Rivkah Leah
Yosefa bas Chaya Leah
Yosefa Devorah bas Shaina Esther
Yousef ben Rohangiz
Zaha'ra Rena bas Elisheva Chana
Zalman ben Rivkah
Zehava bas Sara
Zelda bas Rivka
Zelda Kayla bas Sara Rochel
Zev ben Raizel
Zev Raphael ben Leah Shoshana

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Fw: [-aneinu] Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:55 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29

Halachos of the Seder - Day 28 & 29

Topic Banner 33
Day 28
Day 29

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Fw: [-aneinu] Approved Stores after Pesach

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
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Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:53 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Approved Stores after Pesach

cRc Kashrus Alert

April 2024

All cRc certified stores, caterers, restaurants ( and factories have sold their chametz for Pesach.


The following CHICAGO AREA STORES are approved for purchasing chametz immediately after Pesach. (Please check with your local kashrus agency for details regarding stores outside of the Chicago area.)


Aldi's (All Chicagoland Locations)

Anton's (Highland Park, IL)

Binny's Beverage Depot (All locations)

City Fresh Market (Devon & Kedzie, Chicago, IL)

Costco (All Chicagoland Locations)

CVS Pharmacy (All Chicagoland Locations)

Dollar Tree Stores (All Chicagoland Locations)

Food 4 Less (All Chicagoland Locations)

GFS - Gordon Food Service (All Chicagoland Locations)

Jewel-Osco (All Chicagoland Locations per OU)

Kol Tuv (Chicago)

Kroger (All Chicagoland Locations)

Market Place on Oakton (Skokie, IL)

Mariano's Supermarkets (All Chicagoland Locations)

Meijer (All Chicagoland Locations)

Petco (All Chicagoland Locations)

Pet Smart (All Chicagoland Locations)

Pet Supplies Plus (Lincolnwood, IL)

Regal Health Food (Grand Ave., Chicago, IL)

Sam's Club (All Chicagoland Locations)

Sarah's Tent (Skokie, IL)

Save A Lot (All Chicagoland Locations)

Target (All Chicagoland Locations)

Trader Joe's (All Chicagoland Locations)

Treasure Island (All Chicagoland Locations)

Valli Produce (Evanston)

Village Market Place (Dempster, Skokie, IL)

Walgreens (All Chicagoland Locations)

Walmart (All Chicagoland Locations)

Whole Foods (All Chicagoland Locations)

7-Eleven - The following Chicagoland stores are approved:

2741 W. Touhy Ave, 5610 N. Kimball Ave, 7950 N. Crawford Ave, and 8357 Skokie Blvd


Although cRc-certified during most of the year, many products manufactured by Eli's Cheesecake are not certified during Passover. These products have the cRc logo removed or covered and are not kosher-certified. Please be careful to check Eli's Cheesecake products for the cRc logo.


Get the cRc Kosher app on the Apple and Google Play Store.

Visit us

For current product information, visit where kosher consumers can check the kosher status of hechsherim, beverages, liquors, foods, fruits & vegetables, Slurpees, medicines, and more. 



Questions? Contact us today at

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Fw: [-aneinu] Urgent Action Needed

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 1:48 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Urgent Action Needed

Dear Friends,


We hope you are having a meaningful Pesach.


The OU and OU Advocacy have been in constant contact about the deteriorating situation on college campuses with the White House, Congress, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Education. We remain deeply disturbed by what is happening and by the ineffectiveness of the response of university and governmental administrations.


There are meaningful efforts in Congress that need your support, including the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act - which the House of Representatives will vote on this Wednesday. Please act NOW upon the specific action alert below from Nathan Diament, Executive Director of OU Advocacy.


We are continuing to work on this matter and will share with you further efforts to address it.


Chag Kasher v'Sameach,


Mitchel Aeder 


Rabbi Moshe Hauer 
Executive Vice President 


Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph 
Executive Vice President & COO 

Dear Students and Families, 


We understand the fear and concern you must be experiencing due to rising antisemitism on college campuses and in some K-12 schools. It's especially disturbing to see harassment, violence, and even calls for genocide happening on "elite" university campuses. This is unacceptable, and your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.


In response to this scourge of hate, Representatives Mike Lawler (R-NY) and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)  introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act. This bill would require the U.S. Department of Education to utilize the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition.


Passing this legislation will help turn the tide in the fight against campus antisemitism and give Jewish students the justice and peace of mind they deserve on campus. 

Please take prompt action and share this email with your friends and loved ones.


Thank you for taking action against campus antisemitism. 


Nathan Diament

Executive Director, OU Advocacy

The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center is the non-partisan public policy arm of the Orthodox Union and leads its advocacy efforts in Washington, DC.



Follow us

40 Rector Street, New York NY 10006

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Divar Torah On Haggadah #5 5784(2024) 2 Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Divar torahs plus more

Friday, April 26, 2024

Bonus Divar Torah For 5784(2024) For October 7th

Rabbi Fix Addendum Hashem begs us to mantain our connection with each other and everybody return home safe and sound.With our biggest treasure being that we have tapped into our true sense of security,the Torah we possess within!(197-201)

Divar Torah On Haggadah #3 5784(2024)

Yachatz Rabbi Fix brings The Rebbe who brings a minhag to break the middle matzah into 5 pieces.Breaking the middle matzah and forming the afikomen therefore becomes a transformation from harshness to kindess.(page 33)

Divar Torah On Haggadah #2 5784 (2024)

Vhigadita Livincha The Year 1784 Gershom Sexias had a choice to make be chazan in New York or be with his family for Pesach in Philadelphia and he decided he is going to be with his family for Peasach.(Page 31)

Divar Torah On Haggadah # 1 5784 (2024)

Next Year We Will Be Free"We Have Dream By Joseph Lieerman OB"M with Rabbi Genack Comparison of The Biblical story of the Exodus to the Cival Rights Movment.(Essay page 204 206 and 207)

Fwd: Celebrate the Feast of Moshiach

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Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2024, 9:14 AM
Subject: Celebrate the Feast of Moshiach
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With suggested readings for each of the four cups .cb_column { float: left width: 50% } /* Clear floats after the columns */
View Online   ב"ה

Final Days of Passover

Celebrate the Feast of Moshiach

We trust that your Passover Seders were meaningful, the company pleasant, and the matzah and maror evocative of the bittersweet mix of freedom and slavery.

But it's not over yet!

As the final hours of Passover near, Jews in every part of the world will be celebrating the Feast of Moshiach (Moshiach's Seudah in Yiddish) on the last day of Passover. This custom was started by the Baal Shem Tov and his students and vigorously encouraged by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, who would personally expound each year at great length about the Messianic spark inside each of us and how tapping into our unlimited potential to do but one more act of goodness holds the potential for global transformation.

Here's a suggested program (PDF) that you can download and print before the holiday to use at your very own Feast of Moshiach. At this meal, we traditionally drink four cups of wine (or grape juice) and this program comprises four readings, each of which may be followed by one of the cups.

After the holiday, please write back to let us know how you celebrated your Feast of Moshiach. We'd love to hear from you!

With wishes for a beautiful final segment of Passover and fervent hope that we celebrate this feast with Moshiach in Jerusalem,

Your friends at

Printable Program for Your Moshiach's Meal (PDF)

Printable Program for Your Moshiach's Meal (PDF)

With suggested readings for each of the four cups

By Staff


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