Friday, May 10, 2024

Fw: WATCH: Parents of Gaza hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin: 'Don’t ask how we are' - Kol Shabbat - Parashat Kedoshim 5784

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Subject: WATCH: Parents of Gaza hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin: 'Don't ask how we are' - Kol Shabbat - Parashat Kedoshim 5784
WATCH: Parents of Gaza hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin: 'Don't ask how we are' - Kol Shabbat - Parashat Kedoshim 5784
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Erev Shabbat - Parashat Kedoshim 5784 | 2 Iyar 5784 - May 10, 2024


This coming Yom HaZikaron, Medinat Yisrael will acknowledge Israeli citizens, as well as a representative from Chutz LaAretz, who exhibited exceptional strength, goodwill, and courage in action serving as a source of inspiration for Am Yisrael.

We are immensely proud to inform you that representing the Diaspora lighting the Yom HaZikaron Jewish Diaspora Torch will be a Chicagoan, Alderman Debra Silverstein, the only Jewish member of the Chicago City Council. She represents the 50th ward and is a member of Cong. KINS.

Some of us witnessed Alderman Silverstein standing up in the City Council putting forth a motion in support of Israel and against Hamas and the vitriolic, threatening anger spewed at her from the gallery. It was most frightening, yet watching Debra was awe-inspiring. She stood her ground then and on various subsequent occasions. She definitely deserves this honor.

Mizrachi - Religious Zionists of Chicago invites you to 
an informal reception in honor of
Alderman Debra Silverstein
on Sunday, May 12, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
at World Mizrachi Headquarters, 54 King George, Yerushalayim 
(next to The Great Synagogue). Light refreshments will be served.

For more information contact: Rabbi Zev Shandalov: 058-638-3869 or Rabbi David Segal: 055-998-9811
Mizrachi - Religious Zionists of Chicago
Dr. Oren Lakser, Avi Zisook, Co-Presidents
Rabbi Jerry Isenberg, Executive Director
Sunday May 12 11:45 am Chicago time
Join a special Yom HaZikaron Ceremony live from Yerushalayim
on Sunday May 12 starting at 11:45 am Chicago time (7:45pm in Israel)

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Israel: The Price and the Privilege | Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut 5784

Rav Doron Perez
Executive Chairman of Mizrachi World Movement

During the Holocaust, while the Jews were suffering in Europe, people were holding up placards saying "Jews, get out, go to Palestine. Incredibly, today, when we have a State of Israel, we hear "Jews, get out of Palestine."

When we were a powerless and defenseless people, that weakness was manipulated by our enemies and used against us with the crescendo of the horrific Shoah after centuries of persecution. Today, thank G-d, we have a state and can defend ourselves, and that is being attacked – the audacity to defend ourselves. 

This week, Yom HaZikaron marks the price that we continue to pay for the State of Israel, and Yom HaAtzmaut celebrates the privilege of this miracle. We hope and pray for the holiness of life, but sadly so many have lost their life including in this past year as part of our holy martyrs who we remember at this time. 

Hashem has blessed us to not just survive, but to thrive in the State of Israel. As we count the Omer up to Shavuot – when we were as one receiving the Torah – we must continue to forge this oneness in society then we can stand up to the challenges that lie ahead; experiencing the pain of the loss on Yom HaZikaron, but to also celebrate the privilege of a sovereign Jewish state today.


Kedoshim 5784

Rabbi Kenny Hirschhorn,
Ra"m at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh

To Be Wholly Holy

Rabbi Stewart Weiss

"Holy shall you be, for I – Hashem – am Holy." (19:1).
It sounds so simple, doesn't it? "Just be holy!" As if we can close our eyes, snap our fingers, and immediately elevate our souls to Heaven itself! What exactly is this connection to Hashem?! Can we really, truly emulate G-d, who defies not only definition, but imitation?
Perhaps the Torah is telling us that just as Hashem is bound by the Mitzvot that Hashem commands to us – thus Anim Z'Mirot records that G-d also wears Tefilin! – so should we, also, do the Mitzvot right along with G-d!
But while Hashem may indeed "keep" Shabbat, the vast majority of the Torah's other Mitzvot – including most of the 51 Mitzvot in this Sedra – are davka not kept by G-d! Just look at the very first Mitzva in the parsha: "Every person: your mother and father shall you revere." This could not possibly apply to Hashem, who surely does not have a mother or father - perhaps that is why the command is introduced by the unusual heading, "every person."
And continuing the list of Mitzvot: Could Hashem worship an idol? Could G-d steal (everything already belongs to Hashem)! Could Hashem swear falsely "by the name of Hashem?!" Could Hashem "fear G-d," or have any of the many illicit sexual relationships that are listed here?
So obviously, there must be another meaning to the idea of being "holy as Hashem is Holy." I suggest we focus on the word "Kadosh" to understand what it really means.
"Kadosh" connects to the word "Hekdesh," which means "set aside for a holy purpose." For example, if a person designated a particular object or sum of money to be utilized for a spiritual purpose in the Mishkan, that item could not be used for anything else. It was sacrosanct.
As Jews, we have a particular and defined spiritual, holy purpose in life: We are meant to be mortal examples of G-d's attributes; walking, talking models of the values and ideals that Hashem represents. That is why we are here on this Earth, that is the "Hekdesh" mission that "sets us apart" from every other nation. It may be reflected in our belief in One G-d, in the way we relate to other human beings, in our adherence to modesty and sexual mores or in the respect we have for our parents, teachers and Land.
This is what makes us "like G-d:" Hashem is unique, unlike any other "god," and so we, too, are a unique people. We give our all, even if it is costly or dangerous, to proudly wear the badge of Jew. Something to bear in mind this week as we show our love and gratitude to all the holy Chayalim who give their all and so epitomize Kedusha.

The Blue, White and Beautiful Land

Rabbanit Shani Taragin

Five months after the establishment of Israel, we adopted the flag we know today. A blue Magen David on a white background, between two horizontal blue stripes symbolizing the stripes on a tallit and the blue dye, the techeilet, of the tzitzit. We are commanded to look at these tzitzit "and remember all the commandments of the L-rd, and do them" (Bamidbar 15:39). Chazal explain that the techeilet corresponds to the color of the Divine Revelation (Sifri, Bamidbar 115) and deters us from sin.
The context of the mitzvah of tzitzit reveals added significance to the colors, and hence the Israeli flag. The mitzvah appears with other mitzvot connected to the Land of Israel, after the Sin of the Spies, who dissuaded the nation from entering the Land (Bamidbar 15:37–41). Ibn Ezra (ibid. 15:2) explains this juxtaposition as indicative of consolation and assurance for the people that they will indeed enter the Land. And the tzitzit in particular will remind them not to rebel against G-d.
How do the tzitzit remind us not to rebel? In addition to several expressions in the parasha of tzitzit that hint at the spies' sin – e.g. "to explore (latur) the land"… "You shall not explore after (lo taturu acharei) your hearts"… "You shall see the Land" (13:18)… "We were in our eyes like grasshoppers, and so we were in their eyes" (13:33)… "after which you stray" (15:39)… "Your children will wander in the desert for 40 years and will bear [the consequences of] your straying" (14:33), and more, we also find parallels in the garment itself. The garment upon which the tzitzit are placed remind us of the garments torn by Calev and Yehoshua upon hearing Bnei Yisrael's pleas to return to Egypt. The tzitzit remind us that we should stay focused on our national destiny of living in Eretz Yisrael!
That is why the term kanaf (lit. corner), generally a word connoting direction, is used (Bamidbar 15:38 and Devarim 22:12). It reminds us of the four directions the spies took in the Land of Israel. A thread of techeilet among the white threads at each of these corners reminds us of the colors of the Land of Israel, particularly those of Nachalat Yehuda, in which Moshe had commanded the spies to tour (Bamidbar 13:17). These are the colors with which Ya'akov blesses Yehuda and his land: "His eyes shall be 'red' with wine, and his teeth white with milk" (Bereishit 49:11–12). The Ramban explains that the eyes will not be red, but rather colored blue (kachol) with the oxidized wine that grows in the mountains of Yehuda, as the teeth will be whitened by the milk of the flock in the deserts of Yehuda.
The tzitzit and our flag remind us not to rebel nor lose sight of G-d's commandments, particularly not to lose sight of the beauty of Eretz Yisrael. The tzitzit remind us of the majesty and love relationship with G-d in the Land of Israel and console us after years of wandering. And the Israeli flag waves in the Land of Yehuda as a constant reminder not only not to explore elsewhere – velo taturu, but that there is nowhere else to explore.
Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational Director of World Mizrachi and teaches at Matan and other educational institutions in Israel. She is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (
  Chicago Mizrachi Pina Chama in Itamar
dedicated in honor of our
Chayalim Bodedim

Maintenance costs for the month of

Iyar 5784

have been sponsored
in memory of 

Sarah bat Yaakov Dov Ber v'Henya, z"l

by her family

To watch and view the picture gallery of the Mizrachi Chicago Pina Chama in Itamar Dedication and Hachnasat Sefer Torah in the Shomron (July 30, 2023)


IDF soldier carries bloodstained WWII prayer shawl into battle in Gaza

Matan Peleg, chairman of the Zionist group Im Tirtzu, carries his great-grandfather's bloodstained prayer shawl, taken from battle against the Nazis, into Gaza

An IDF soldier deployed to the Gaza Strip brought a bloodstained World War II-era Jewish prayer shawl with him into battle to mark Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Matan Peleg, chairman of the Zionist activist group Im Tirtzu, displayed the bloodied tallit, or Jewish prayer shawl, which he received from his great-grandfather, in a video on social media Tuesday.

Peleg, 43, said his great-grandfather recovered the prayer shawl from a fallen comrade while fighting Nazi soldiers during the war.

After fleeing Poland during the German invasion of 1939, Peleg's great-grandfather enlisted in the Soviet army, Peleg explained.

During a battle against German forces, Peleg's great-grandfather found a slain Jewish soldier in a tank wearing the prayer shawl.

Peleg's great-grandfather "fled Poland and joined the Russian army, which checked the destroyed tank and found the dead tank driver with a tallit on him," he explained in the video.

"He took it and this is the first time I am taking it out of the house."

"We're coming full circle," Peleg added. "From a tank driver, a Jewish soldier serving in the Russian army fighting against the Nazis, may their names rot – now to us, Jewish soldiers in a Jewish army."

"We are serving in the armored corps in the Jewish army of the State of Israel. Thank you very much for what we are doing both for the future generations and the previous generations who are watching us."

WATCH: IDF continues limited Rafah op. in shadow of hostage negotiations

Defense sources say final invasion decisions will be made in the coming days; Kerem Shalom Crossing's status is unclear.

Yonah Jeremy Bob

The IDF on Monday had already started evacuating around 100,000 of over one million Palestinian civilians currently in Rafah on its way toward a limited initial invasion of the last remaining Hamas stronghold.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant clarified at the time that the invasion was being rolled out incrementally and in multiple stages so that if Hamas, mid-invasion, finally agreed to a reasonable hostage exchange deal, it could be halted.

The IDF announced on Monday morning that civilians in parts of eastern Rafah were told to evacuate to new expanded humanitarian zones, which include al-Mawasi on the coast, parts of Khan Yunis slightly north but still in southern Gaza, and as far north as central Gaza.

No civilians will be allowed to evacuate to northern Gaza.

Hamas is said to have between 4,000-8,000 fighters, including four-plus battalions in Rafah, the remainder of an around 35,000-strong force of terrorists, which it had when the war started on October 7.

Rafah operation intensifies, but still limited

On Wednesday, IDF troops led by the 162nd Division - and based on intelligence from the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and IDF intelligence - continued precise operations against Hamas and its terror infrastructure in eastern Rafah.

Troops of the 401st Brigade killed around 30 terrorists and uncovered terror infrastructure and underground shafts in the area, which the forces subsequently began to destroy.

Earlier Wednesday, forces from the Givati Brigade also identified and killed a terrorist armed with an RPG.

The IDF also said that in addition to the activity of the ground troops, Israel Air Force jets had carried out strikes on more than 100 terror targets in the Strip, among which were observation posts, launch posts, military infrastructures, and structures.

Meanwhile, early Wednesday, the IDF and COGAT announced in a joint statement that the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza had reopened.

Rockets fired at Kerem Shalom crossing

Late Wednesday, Hamas fired rockets at the crossing.

The IDF said that the rockets had not entered Israel but did not specifically address if the attacks had any impact on the crossing. They said that the rockets fell in the Gaza Strip.

Following rocket sirens that were sounded in Shlomit near the Gaza border, one IDF soldier was lightly injured but received medical treatment at the scene after at the scene after launches were identified crossing from the area of Rafah into the area of Kerem Shalom.

Multiple defense sources had not responded to press time regarding whether Kerem Shalom was still open or had reclosed due to the attack.

It might have been quietly temporarily closed and reopened again, but without advising the media on the issue as US President Joe Biden has made keeping that crossing open a major public priority.

Biden's pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu led the prime minister to order the crossing reopened even before the IDF had carried out a full review of what led to four soldiers being killed and around ten injured from another Hamas rocket attack earlier this week.

Netanyahu overruled defense officials who wanted to reopen, but only after a full review of the security breakdown.

The military added on Wednesday morning that trucks from Egypt containing humanitarian aid, including food, water, and medicine, were arriving at the crossing. Following examination by Israeli Defense Ministry officials at the crossing, the assistance would be transported to the Palestinian side of the crossing.  

The IDF statement on Wednesday also clarified that while the Kerem Shalom crossing had been closed, the Erez crossing had remained open to aid deliveries, which had been subsequently transferred to the Strip.

There was also an incident in which Palestinian workers, presumably aid workers, were on their way to the Kerem Shalom crossing and were shot, with multiple workers wounded.

The IDF said it had provided medical aid to the injured Palestinians and that it was probing the incident, but at press time, IDF spokespeople were still unclear about whether the IDF, Hamas, or some other party had fired on the aid workers.

Since a March 31 incident in which the IDF mistakenly killed seven aid workers, the military has been trying extra hard to avoid recurrent incidents.

Separately, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Wednesday notified three IDF brigadier generals, Ofer Winter, Yaniv al-Aluf, and Yoram Kanfu, that they were being released from their service.

The decision to pass over Winter for promotion was particularly controversial being that he has political support from former prime minister Naftali Bennett, former defense minister and Yisrael Beytenu party leader Avigdor Liberman, and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

That closeness to politicians and a variety of incidents where Winter was perceived as showing courage but also a disregard for decorum and respect for the chain of command are likely what led to both Halevi and former IDF chief Aviv Kohavi to freeze Winter's status and eventually release him.

WATCH: IDF and ISA eliminate Hamas Naval commander

During the war, Ahmed Ali was responsible for attacks on Israeli territory and against IDF ground troops operating in the Gaza Strip.

In a joint IDF and ISA activity based on Israeli Navy and ISA intelligence, on Wednesday, an IAF aircraft eliminated the terrorist Ahmed Ali, the Commander of Hamas' Naval Unit in Gaza City.

Over the last few years, Ali has been involved in managing projects of Hamas' Naval Unit in the Gaza Strip.

During the war, Ali was responsible for attacks on Israeli territory and against IDF ground troops operating in the Gaza Strip.

Over the past week, Ahmed advanced terrorist activities against IDF troops operating in central Gaza.

WATCH: Parents of Gaza hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin: 'Don't ask how we are'

Parents of American-born hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin speak about their ongoing struggle to free their son and the other remaining hostages from Hamas captivity.

Felice Friedson

Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin sat down for an intimate discussion with Felice Friedson, on the harrowing months of championing on behalf of their son, Hersh's release from the hands of Hamas. They speak about their inner discussions away from the media, their heartbreaking challenges, and the moments of hope.

The Goldberg-Polin family are Americans who moved to Israel, previously living in Chicago and Virginia. Rachel is slender, composed and articulate, each word crafted. Jon: tall, softer. Each has a complementary strength which has carried them through the most unthinkable path one can't imagine, fighting to save their child's life.

On October 7, Hamas infiltrated Israel's border with Gaza, massacring 1,200 people and taking 252 citizens and soldiers hostage. Currently, 133 hostages are still being held in Gaza and possibly beyond, as a cease-fire has faltered; each day that passes brings more complexity and grave concern.

"We will leave no stone unturned"

"Don't worry about us … focus on yourself," Rachel says to Hersh, believing he knows they are leaving no stone unturned to get him home. We discuss the message Rachel and Jon want their son to hear today.

"We have not stopped for one second in 209 days doing everything possible to bring him home, to bring home all of the hostages," Jon tells The Media Line.

Jon says that if a hostage agreement is not reached, it will bring grief not just to the families of the hostages. "Everybody in the region is suffering."

He says there are leaders who are staying silent or not doing enough but was overwhelmed by the outpouring of "goodness in the world, from all over the world."

"I actually think he thinks there is a whole entire universe that is fighting for him, and for all of them," Rachel emoted about her son.

Jon also praised the American administration for "their availability to us, their desire to get something done. … They have been really exemplary across the board."

They both cited the fact that, in Jon's words, "Americans don't like Americans—or anybody, but particularly Americans—being held hostage against their will," and were heartened by the united front Democrats and Republicans were taking.

Rachel noted that you don't hear much about the other hostages being held, referring to the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists who are among those held from 25 different countries. "I'm not sure that all of America knows the names of the eight American hostages who are still being held," she told The Media Line. Tragically three of the Americans have been confirmed dead.

Asked about their reaction to seeing the worrisome video Hamas released of Hersh, a first proof of life of their bold son who lost an arm saving others, Rachel, as a mother was visually grasping the medical condition of her son's arm which had been severed on October 7. "You know, the mother starts to worry about those things."

Physicians reached out to the Goldberg-Polin parents to tell them that Hersh needed at least two additional surgeries immediately.

In 2014, Jon wrote an article about assistive technology for the disabled. Asked about his reaction to seeing Hersh with his severed arm on the famous visual of him bleeding and being whisked away, he told The Media Line that he had done some research on the technology space called assistive technology for people with all kinds of physical and emotional disabilities. "I'm very familiar with all kinds of rehabilitation, all kinds of technology, and rehabilitation centers around the world."

Citing contacts they have around the world in this field, their focus is to bring their son home and then get him the best care possible.

"It's torturous"

Rachel and Jon discuss the importance of putting the human face to the story and getting it out to the public.

Asked what questions one should or should not pose to the parent of a kidnapped person, Rachel, in despair, spoke about the pain she feels when asked "how are you."

"Do you not see the knife that's sticking out of my heart? Why would you ask that?" She doesn't feel people ask the question maliciously, but "I think all of our words can be more gently crafted," she shares with The Media Line.

As an educator who once led a trip of young people to teach about the Holocaust, Rachel remembers herself reflecting on the impossibility of the horror and addresses those who don't believe October 7 happened. "I was actually standing in the barracks of a concentration camp in Poland, I myself was saying as I was standing in there, this can't be real, because it was so horrible, I didn't want to believe it."

"I would just like to tell them about my only son and show them the video that was made by the people who took him and show them the video by the people who are currently holding him."

Time magazine recently named Rachel one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Rachel sees herself as a symbol and representative of the collective issue. "Rachel Goldberg doesn't belong on that list, but the hostage crisis absolutely belongs on that list," she says. "I am the mother of a hostage, and they couldn't fit all the mothers of all the hostages into that little box."

Rachel and Jon speak of missing normal family life, including moments of boredom. They miss the family time with their three children, including their two daughters, as Rachel used to sit at the table and would look at Hersh from her seat. Today she sits in Hersh's seat so she doesn't have to look at his empty chair. And, she says, "I haven't cooked in 209 days."

The couple lean on each other for strength and have become a symbol of admiration for so many. "There is not a day or a moment when I pray that I don't thank God that it's Jon who's my partner. 

And you know, what's interesting is I remember those first few hours where we thought Hersh was dead on the 7th. … We hadn't seen the video. … We didn't know anything yet. And we had this horrifying conversation. And I do remember saying, but one day, we'll be OK because we're together," Rachel said.

She feels blessed and lucky to have Jon as her partner. "It is a completely torturous, agonizing, painful—not just emotionally, psychologically, but spiritually and physically. It is actually physically painful what we're going through. And if I didn't have a partner who could be really helpful in that, I don't know what I would do."

The hostage families are still waiting and hoping for the hostage release to happen in an endless game of negotiations.

"I just keep … focusing on the last 30 seconds where he speaks directly to us and to our daughters. That's the part that I'm holding," Jon said.

Graham to Austin: 'Give Israel What They Need to Fight the War They Can't Afford to Lose'

Hana Levi Julian

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) slammed the Biden Administration's "pause" last week on a shipment of bombs to Israel, calling the move "obscene."

Speaking at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Charles Q. Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Graham urged both defense leaders to "give Israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose," which he characterized as "Hiroshima and Nagasaki on steroids."

Following is the transcript of Graham's exchange with Austin and Brown.

Graham: Now you just confirmed that we're delaying transfer or stopping transfer
of certain weapons like 2,000 pound bombs to Israel. Is that correct?

Austin: What I said was we're assessing where we are right now.

Graham: There are media reports that it's happened. Are they incorrect?

Austin: That we have made a decision to … yeah, again we've made no decisions. We're assessing.

Graham: Are you worried that if you make a decision to deny weapons that Israel says they need, that it would send a signal to Hamas and Iran to to keep pushing?

Austin: Senator, we want to make sure that we're providing the right kinds of weaponry.

Graham: Okay, would you have supported dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, General Brown, to end World War II?

Brown: Well, Senator I think it, just based on the situation …well, we know, I mean, it's happened. We know.

Graham: I'm not asking that they did it. Do you think that was disproportionate?

Brown: It was, uh, it was definitely …

Graham (interrupts): Do you — do you — in hindsight, do you think that was the
right decision for America to drop two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities in

Brown: Okay, well, I'll tell you, it stopped the World War.

Graham: Do you agree, General Austin? If you had been around, would you say drop 'em?

Austin: I agree with the chairman here.

Graham: I mean, if we were to go back in time to say hey, we got two atomic bombs,
should we drop 'em, what would you say?

Austin: Well, I think the leadership was interested in curtailing the war.

Graham: What's Israel interested in? Do you believe Iran really wants to kill all the Jews if they

Austin: The Iranian regime.

Graham: Yeah. Do you believe Hamas is serious when they say 'we'll keep doing it over and over again' — do you agree that they will if they can?

Austin: I do.

Graham: Do you believe that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that's also bent on the destruction of the Jewish State?

Austin: Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.

Graham: Okay, so Israel's been hit in the last few weeks by Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, dedicated to their destruction — and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the Jews? And you're telling me that if we withhold weapons in this fight, this existential fight for the life of the Jewish State, [that] it won't send the wrong signal? Do you still think it was a good idea, General Austin, to get out of Afghanistan?

Austin: I support the president's decision.

Graham: Yeah, I think you do. I think it was a disastrous decision. If we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the State of Israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. This is obscene. It is absurd. Give Israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose! This is Hiroshima and Nagasaki on steroids.

UNRWA caught stealing, selling humanitarian aid

According to the report, Palestinians claimed that staff working for the UN agency "have their homes full of aid."

UNRWA has been caught stealing and then selling humanitarian aid that came into Gaza that was intended to be given to Palestinian civilians, UN Watch reported on Wednesday, citing reports published by Palestinians in "an UNRWA-related chatroom."

The Watch report also claims that those who report UNRWA's actions with the humanitarian aid "face reprisals."

According to the report, Palestinians claimed that staff working for the UN agency "have their homes full of aid." Additionally, a UNRWA warehouse chief sold 50 cartons of food for $5,000.

Items such as pampers, canned sweets, and tissues were sold at a UNRWA school door. This comes amid statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General Phillipe Lazzarini, who was quoted in the UN Watch report saying "there is more food available… it still does not mean that the food is accessible" as he was calling countries to increase direct cash assistance to Gazans.

Looking closer into UNRWA's exposure

Former UNRWA employee Haitham al-Sayyed ran the chatroom that exposed the agency's theft and selling of aid. The UN Watch reported that he had "created several chat rooms for staff and educators to share posts, many of which feature antisemitism, incitement to hatred and Jihadi terrorism" during the near two decades he worked for the agency.

However, today, he disseminates information about UNRWA salaries in his chatrooms, which the Watch also reports that thousands of UNRWA employees were celebrating Iran's drone attacks on Israel.

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Lazar Berman,
Diplomatic Correspondent for the Times of Israel

A Journalist's Perspective on a Nation at War

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