Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fw: Order Your Shavuos-night Learning Companion Today.

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From: "Bais HaVaad Halacha Center" <>
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Sent: Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 3:50 PM
Subject: Order Your Shavuos-night Learning Companion Today.

Deepen your Shavuos-night learning with Yorucha's unique, engaging, real-life Bais Din case-study booklet, and learn how to issue a Psak Din, from within the sugya.

Order the free special edition Yorucha Shavuos Companion booklets, to learn with your son, with your chavrusa, or to form a shiur in your shul at

Dear Yaakov Chroman,

As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos, we are proud to announce that once again this year, the Yorucha team of Rabbonim and Dayonim have diligently compiled a uniquely formatted set of materials specifically for your Shavuos night learning in mind.

This year, we've created a special Shavuos booklet that delves into an engaging real-life Bais Din case. The Yorucha booklets will provide a detailed analysis of a case study, exploring the sugya of 'Schiras Poalim - Labor Law'. Packed with mareh mekomos and content in Yorucha's unique and classic format, the materials will bring the learner through the sugya with analogy, culminating in a real-life Psak Din.

We are confident that this Yorucha Shavuos night companion will enhance your limud haTorah, foster a deeper understanding of the practical applications of the topic of Schiras Poalim, and stimulate engaging discussions. Moreover, it presents an opportunity to apply the sugya concepts to a real-life scenario, thus enriching your Shavuos night learning experience.

If you would like to take advantage of the special publication for your learning on your own, with a chavrusa, or together with a tzibur, please reach out by:

  • Visiting our website at
  • Calling us at +1 (888) 485-8223 ext. 302
  • Sending a WhatsApp message to +1 (732) 232-1412

This Shavuos, "Staying up all night...can be a piece of cake!"

May the Ribono Shel olam have a nachas ruach from our efforts towards a renewed kabalas haTorah.

Wishing you and yours a meaningful and joyful Shavuos,

Rabbi Dovid Grossman

Rosh Bais HaVaad

Order Here

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