Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fwd: Business Halacha Daily

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2024, 8:01 PM
Subject: Business Halacha Daily
To: <>

Ma'aser on Stocks

Question: Does an individual who has a stock portfolio need to give ma'aser on the appreciation of a stock, even if he doesn't plan to sell the stock right now? What if the dividends are taken out of that stock and reinvested into another stock in his portfolio?


Presented By Rav Baruch Fried

Answer: The Yosef Ometz discusses interest payments one receives on a loan he gave to a non-Jew. One does not have to take ma'aser on those payments before he receives a repayment of the principle because, until that time, he is still uncertain that he will get his money back, so that cannot be considered a profit. 

One may argue that stocks are similar to a loan in that sense, as the investor doesn't know if he will ultimately make money on the investment. Just because they go up at one point does not mean they will not eventually come down in value; therefore, one can argue that the appreciation of the stock cannot be considered a profit. On the other hand, I believe that there is a difference between stocks and a loan because even though securities can go up and down in value, the sale value does rise when the stock goes up, meaning that it is now worth more and the dividends aren't merely paying off the security. Accordingly, the Yosef Ometz cannot be used as justification not to pay ma'aser on appreciation of a stock.

The halacha would be that one does not have to cash out his stocks if they appreciate in order to take off ma'aser. As long as one keeps the appreciation in the same stock, his business venture is still ongoing, and one doesn't have to take off ma'aser from a business transaction while it is still going on. Even if the money is automatically reinvested in the same stock, it is still considered to be the middle of the venture, and ma'aser does not have to be taken off yet. 

If one has to pay capital gains tax, he can deduct that as a business expense from his gross profits. He has to remember, however, that he already deducted that amount and he can't deduct that expense again later when he takes his money out of the stock.

The Shevet Halevi warns that when people have long-term investments, they tend to forget to take ma'aser. Therefore, he suggests that people who have such investments make an accounting of their profits once every ear and take off ma'aser accordingly.

Once someone takes his profits out of a stock and wants to reinvest it in a separate venture, he would have to make a cheshbon of how much ma'aser he owes.  

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Fw: Community wide Tehillim and Kinus

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Sent: Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 6:45 PM
Subject: Community wide Tehillim and Kinus

Fwd: HTC Newsletter: July Recap

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From: HTC <>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2024, 3:50 PM
Subject: HTC Newsletter: July Recap
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July 31, 2024

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Summer is in full swing, and our Yeshivas HaKayitz summer camp is buzzing with energy and excitement! The boys are having a fantastic time, with sports, activities, and awesome trips like Bear Paw Adventure Park, Dave & Buster's, Altitude, and more! Check out the fun in the pictures below!

Scroll down to our news section to read about our new Menahel, Rabbi Aaron Leibtag, and reflections of Rabbi Moishe Schecter and Mr. David Passman as they retire after a quarter of a century of teaching in FYHS.

Also, mark your calendars for August 6th for the FYHS student-produced "Names, Not Numbers" movie premiere at the Holiday Inn North Shore—you won't want to miss this moving event. RSVP below and visit our new Names, Not Numbers website to learn more about this incredible initiative, get to know this years' featured survivors, and watch previous years' movies.

All the best,

Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman


HTC News

Yeshivas HaKayitz Pictures

Upcoming Events

HTC News

Check out HTC's alumni website for more exciting news, pictures, events, and more!

HTC Welcomes Rabbi Aaron Leibtag as New Principal of Fasman Yeshiva High School

Hebrew Theological College/Beis HaMidrash LaTorah is pleased to announce the hire of Rabbi Aaron Leibtag as the new principal of its Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman Yeshiva High School, beginning with the 2024-25 school year. Rabbi Leibtag will succeed Rabbi Dovid Kupchik, who is leaving at the end of the school year for a position with Yeshiva of Flatbush in New York.

Click here to read more

Rabbi Moishe Schecter Reflects on 25 Years at the Yeshiva

Following a 25-year tenure at FYHS, Rabbi Moishe Schecter is retiring from his role as a rebbe, leaving behind a legacy of dedication and profound impact on generations of students. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Rabbi Schecter pursued his studies in South Fallsburg, New York, and Brisk in Eretz Yisroel, and later spent...

Click here to read more

Mr. David Passman Celebrates the Culmination of 25 Years at FYHS

"When anybody looks back at their teachers, the ones that stand out were the ones that loved teaching."

As the academic year comes to a close, these words from long-time FYHS teacher Mr. David Passman encapsulate the passion and dedication he has brought to his students for the past 25 years. As he retires this year, we look...

Click here to read more

More HTC News

Our Students: Past and Present

HTC is proud of our students, past and present! Take a look at this month's spotlighted Yeshivas HaKayitz Counselor and alumnus.

Alumnus Name: Eitan Drapkin

Class: FYHS 2016

Where do you live: I live in Yerushalayim

Tell us about your family: I have one sister married living in yerushalayim, one sister in college in yerushalayim, and one sister in Chicago.

Profession: I am Studying Electrical Engineering at Machon Lev.

Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit: I am Serving in Gaza in reserves as part of Golani's combat engineering battalion.

What gives you chizuk during your army service: Knowing that I'm doing my part at such an important point in Jewish history gives me all the fuel I need to keep going. Along with a good Romanian salami!

Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva: The Yeshiva Bowl weekend, sporting events when the whole school showed up, and any class with Rabbi Weiss.

More pictures & IDF Alumni Spotlights

Kayitz Staff Member: Eliezer Loeb

Class: FYHS Class of 2023

Yeshiva: Mercaz HaTorah

Kayitz Involvement: 2024 Teen Kollel Counselor, staff Member for 3 summers, camper for 5 summer.

Favorite Memory from FYHS: The Baruch Levine Shabbaton.

Favorite Memory from Kayitz this summer:

Definitely the Teen Kollel CIT Overnighter.

Favorite memory as a camper: In my second year as a camper, when I was going into 7th grade, I loved color war.

Best part of the Yeshiva: Everyone probably says this but just the overall environment is incredible.

Best Part about Being a Kayitz Counselor: Getting to be Mashpiah on the guys. It's really rewarding.

Divrei Torah from Alumni

The Power of Speech

By Rabbi Donny Schwartz

As we look back at Sefer BeMidbar as a whole, we can detect a message that it is trying to impart. The personalities we encounter are able to find their unique contribution to the Klal and their place in the Torah. On the positive side we have Bnos Tzlafchad, who, after claiming "Why should we lose out?", were able to have an impact on the laws of inheritance, and Pinchas, who was able to earn the covenant of the Kehunah through taking action. On the negative side...

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Avenging the Honor of God

By Rabbi Moshe Binyamin Friedman

In this week's parashah, Hashem commands Moshe to go to war and attack the Midianites to take justice and avenge what they had done. However, when Moshe retells the commandment to the Jewish people, he rephrases it as " 'נִקְמַת ה", taking vengeance for Hashem. In order to understand this dialogue, we have to clarify a few points: Why does Moshe express Hashem's commandment differently to the Jewish People? Furthermore, how does this act of vengeance...

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More Alumni Divrei Torah

Join The Yeshiva Network!

In an exciting move to strengthen connections within its vast alumni community, HTC has officially launched "The Yeshiva Network," an innovative platform designed to foster professional networking, mentoring, and communal engagement among its alumni.

Since its launch, "The Yeshiva Network" has rapidly grown to over 260 members, with alumni from a range of fields all in one place. The platform offers specialized groups catering to industries including accounting, legal, healthcare, Jewish education, and medical professions, allowing for targeted networking and knowledge sharing. It also provides a place to stay in touch with fellow alumni, opportunities for mentorship, career networking, job opportunities, and events.

One of the newest features of "The Yeshiva Network" is its extensive archive of Yeshiva yearbooks, spanning decades! This treasure trove of memories allows alumni to reminisce about their time at HTC, reconnect with classmates, and witness the Yeshiva's evolution over the years.

Not yet a member? Signing up in less than two minutes. By joining "The Yeshiva Network," you become part of an everlasting support system aimed at enriching both your professional and personal life. Embrace this opportunity to reconnect, network, and grow. Welcome to the future of alumni engagement at HTC.

Visit The Yeshiva Network

Update from Just One Chesed

In mid-April, 60 high school boys from eight yeshivas and schools across Chicago and the Midwest gathered in HTC's Rothner Family Gymnasium for our Achdus 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. Participating schools included Yeshiva of Minneapolis, Kesser Yonah, Ner Naftali, Fasman Yeshiva High School (FYHS), Ida Crown Jewish Academy (ICJA), New Trier, Lubavitch Mesivta, and Mesivta of Greater St. Louis (MTI). This lively event was not just about sportsmanship and competition; the funds raised went to support Just One Chesed in Israel, an organization dedicated to aiding our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael.

Check out this MUST WATCH video below to see our collective impact!

Our Alumni Serving in Israel

Please have our alumni in your tefillos. Some of our past talmidim are currently in Gaza and up north fighting on behalf of Am Yisrael.

Download Updated Yeshiva IDF Tehillim List

Spotlight on Alumni Serving in the IDF