Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fw: A Path to Personal Geulah

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Subject: A Path to Personal Geulah
A Path to Personal Geulah
Daled Av, 5784 — August 8, 2024

Nine days of mourning, longing, and eager anticipation for the coming of Mashiach. What tools are there available during this time to attain redemption?
One of the most wondrous of revelations happens during the Nine days, on Shabbos Chazon. Every yid is shown a striking vision of the Beis HaMikdash, a glimpse into the geulah.
Tapping into this redemptive energy, Sichos in English is sharing a primary maamar of the Alter Rebbe, titled Tziyon Bemishpat Tipadeh, from their upcoming work Lessons in Torah Or and Likkutei Torah - Moadim.
In this maamar, the Alter Rebbe opens up the story of the neshamah and its constrictive limitations. By detailing a direct strategy on how to achieve geulah, this maamar broadens one's understanding on how both the global and the personal redemptions look and come to be.
Draw in to the journey breaking free from the shackles of the galus within. May we thus merit the comfort of a personal redemption, and may it trigger the grand Geulah Ha'amitis Ve'hashleima.

Learn the Maamar
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