Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fwd: Listen to The OU Women’s Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Teitzei

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From: The OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 7:06 AM
Subject: Listen to The OU Women's Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Teitzei
To: <>

Torat Imecha Parsha Grand Sponsor 

Torat Imecha Parsha is dedicated by Brenda Gewurz 

l'ilui nishmat her beloved husband, Shmuel ben Yehuda Leib 

and Rochel Mirel, whose love of studying parsha was an example to all.


Torat Imecha Parsha Sefer Sponsor   

Sefer Devarim is dedicated by Rabbi Refoel and Sharon E. Pearl Auman

 in memory of our parents, Rabbi Leonard and Jean E. Pearl 

הרב יהודה ליב ז״ל בן הרב בן-ציון ז״ל and טויבע זעלדע ע״ה בת ר׳ זאב ז״ל וחיה חנה ע׳׳ה

and in memory of our son, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Auman 

 הרב שמואל אליהו ז״ל בן הרב רפאל נ״י

and in memory of our brother, Dr. David J. Pearl

 ר׳ דוד יוסף בן הרב יהודה ליב ז״ל.

Dr. Danielle Bloom has been teaching Torah and psychology for over twenty years. She serves as the Tanach Department Chair at Naaleh High School for Girls in Fair Lawn, NJ. Her passion is applying the ancient Torah text to our lives today. A graduate of Stern College for Women, with a master's degree from Touro College, Danielle completed her doctorate in Jewish education and administration at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. 

The Women's Initiative is on Instagram! 


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