The following has been requested for Yehonatan Chaim ben Chemda:
Hello everyone 🇮🇱,
This angel's name is Yehonatan Ifargan ( Yehonatan Chaim ben Chemda), and he
will be celebrating his 25th birthday very soon (during Hanukkah).
Yehonatan is a reservist combat soldier in the Engineering Corps.
Last Hanukkah, he was critically injured in Gaza, and since then, he has been undergoing
a long rehabilitation journey.
He is currently at Shirley Ryan Hospital,
Erie St., Chicago, IL.
We are looking for kind-hearted Hebrew speakers to visit, offer support, show love, and bring
If you are interested and able to help, please contact me via WhatsApp:
Rif - 058-400-5664.
I received this lovely note from Yonat this morning:
I just wanted to let you know that you and your group are incredible - as soon as I put things on an Amazon list, the list is bought out - you truly are a group that perform daily mitzvot! As soon as this next group of items are delivered to me, I will bring them to Yonatan's family!!
Todah Rabah!❤️
I then received this note a few hours later:
Chaya! I just received a bunch of packages… some of them had the sweetest notes attached that I will bring along!!
Thank you to all who participated in this effort! You have made an incredible Kiddush Hashem!!!
Tizku l'mitzvos!!!
Chaya Miriam
Now that the weather has turned colder, we have been asked to help
the family of injured soldier, Yonatan Chaim ben Chemda, by providing
warm hats, jackets, & snacks to keep them warm.
"I thought I'd create another list for Yonaton and his family! I put kosher snack bars on the list so they always have something to eat for breakfast and lunch and don't have to think about where to get something kosher! And since it's getting cold out (and they'll be here through January) I've included a few jackets and hats for all of them!(As they are purchased they will be removed automatically off the list.) "
If you have questions please contact Yonat at 847-431-5334.
The delivery address to check off is Ashley Amit.
May Yonatan Chaim ben Chemda have a speedy refuah shlema.
I received this request:
There's a severely injured soldier who was airlifted to Chicago for treatment! I'm helping
the family out. The father needs clothes as he left without packing anything! I just put
together an Amazon list ppl can buy off of which will go to my house and I will walk it over
to the family who is staying a few blocks from me.
If you have questions please contact me at 847-431-5334.
Here is the list:
| | Check out my list on Amazon |
| | Check out my list on Amazon |
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