A message from Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Dear Friend,
Our hearts are with the Los Angeles community as they face a devastating crisis with the ongoing fires. The destruction and danger have profoundly impacted the area, and we are calling upon you, our OU Women's Initiative community to join together in tefillah.
We ask that you dedicate your tefillos and recitation of Tehillim for the safety, protection, and wellbeing of all those affected. Please consider saying perakim 20,121,130 as a collective expression of support and unity.
Additionally, as the fires rage on, we implore Hashem for much-needed rain to extinguish the flames and bring relief to the land and its people. Please include a heartfelt bakasha for rain in your tefillos.
As we fast and daven on Asarah B'Teves, may our collective tefilos bring strength to the Los Angeles community and bring rachamim and healing to our world.
With tefillos for the גאולה שלמה,
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