Wednesday, February 7, 2007

yesterdays daf insights Rabbi Elefant(daf29)

1.Minchas Cinuc asks how could R Yochonan say we should fast on 10th of Av wich goes against Cazal he answers the month of Tammuz was set up to commerate the walls being breached and the month of Av was set up to commerate the destruction so R Ychonan said I think 10th of Av is good R Yochonan in BK says we go by yhe 1 who lite the fire (aish mishum citzu) wich is the begining so why in our gemara does he go by the end Beis Hamikdash is different HASHEM caused the fire to happen and he could have stoped it Avnei Neizer said look at result most destruction done 10th of Av
2.ST Torah Limoshe someone ate 9th of Av B/4 catzos dont eat the rest of the day if he ate after catzos he needs to make up the fast day 10 of Av is a good time to make it up
3.Shari Mitzunim Bihalacha 1st year when is the yorzheit when he passes away or when hes burried see from our gemara follow day he passes away
4.Safas Emes says we see from our gemara livim not only sing shir of day but can sing other things after song of day
5.Pinei Minacham we say on yom tov our sins got the Beis Hamikdash destroyed mentions yad what yad the yad of or gemara that took back the keys
6. we see from our gemara during 9 days cant give your clothes to a non jew to clean

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