Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Yesterdays Daf Yomi insights from R Elefant(daf28)

1.our gemara mentions divarim shebicisav need to be read by mouth not by heart does that include Torah Niviem Kisuvim or just Torah if its both then the haptorah needs to be read from a kilaf if just Torah then haptorah can be read from a book
2.our gemara says mincha durissa but tefilla is dirabanan Givuras Ari answers the source for mincha is from Yizchak naila has no source
3. Mipharshim family donated wood what point of gorel there are 9 families who goes 1st is decided by the goral
4.1 who does a nitzvah many times(3times) has cazaka for the mitzvah proof from our gemara 9 families had cazaka Mharsham argues niveim set it not cazaka(daf digest Halacha Highlight)
5.Ramban no hallel Rosh Chodesh other days are diurissa Rambam argues others are divrei sofrim
6.why no mention hallel erev Pesach in BH Tosfos Archin this hallel in a specific place or only liveim and kohanim say it Brisker Rav hallel korban Pesach its a shira wich answers the question of hallel by marriv Pesach night

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