Sunday, March 11, 2007

something to say at the seder

  1. in Dayanu it mentions shabbos in Rav Shach haggadah it brings a story with Rav Shach Rav Shach and another rabbi were in a cab the other rabbi asked the cab driver if he is shomer shabbos Rav Shach said of course he is shomer shabbos the next time this rabbi got in a cab it was with the same taxi driver and he said thanks to Rav Shach I started keeping shabbos
  2. Rav Shilomo Shwadron says in the make of wild animals the ground came with them that means the animals destroyed the ground but that was only in Egypt but in Goshen there were no wild animals destroying the land why b/c Yehudah went down to Goshen and made a beis medrash
  3. Arami oveid ivri the arami is lavan says Rav Elyashiv lavan tryed to destroy Yaakov when he was a small group it didnt work egyptians when the jews were big in number then they became enslaved we see from here everything we have is from HASHEM

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