Friday, March 9, 2007

todays daf insights Rabbi Elefant(daf30)

  1. Tosfos our gemara proves maftir is 1 of the 7 olias
  2. Sifsei Cacamim according to Shimuel shabbos b/4 is Zacor why is he bothered should use zrizen makdimim lamitzvos it dosnt work b/4 its not a mitzvah Ralbach purim mishulish in Yerushaliem read megillah friday sudah on sunday we have b/4 or after not that day 1 answer shabbos has al hanissim or that day has sudah considered purim Moadim Zimanim Chazal made gizarah no sudahs purim on shabbos not take away fact that day is purim
  3. Safas Emes dirush why is it so importent to have parshas Zacor b/4 purim not same day timce not just phsyical atack take care of during the week but rucnios atack shabbos day of rucnios read Zacor on shabbos so that rucnios prevail over tumah of Amalek
  4. Rashba on Pesach 1st and 2nd cup can have break to drink like break(empty shabbos) between Shikalim and Zacor (like this year) 3rd and 4th cup no break for drink like Parah and Hacodesh no break (no empty shabbos)
  5. Mipharshim why dont we skip when have 4 parshios Moshe made takana by yom tov not 4 parshios

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