Monday, March 5, 2007

todays daf insights R Elefant(daf 26)

  1. go up in kidusha no go down is it diurissa or dirabanan R Yosef Angle says if it has inherant kidusha like a sefer torah then its diurissa used for kidusha cover for sefer torah is drabanan
  2. Meiri they sold some niveim and kisuvim(high kidusha) and have small portion money left over mishna teaches us we cant use the money for something with lower kidusha Safas Emes same case as above but sold for more then its worth mishna teaches us extra money cant be used for something with lower kidusha
  3. Maharam Shic catering hall sometime used as shul doesnt have kidusha of shul
  4. SM Bihalacha shul built for Rav or by Rav he can sell it w/o anyone concent
  5. maclokes poskim BB old shul falling apart can take it down maclokes poskim if its to small maclokes MA and Taz if there another shul MAo take it down Taz cant take it down
  6. Cazonish bima kidusha of sefer torah on so how put sefarim on bima its lower have a special cover for sefer torah rest of time for sefarim

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