Thursday, March 1, 2007

todays daf insights R Elefant(daf22)

  1. PY 1 person read Berashis 2nd read it over again 3rd Vayhi Rakia someone come late not hear 1st Berashis he will think there are only 2 olias so cant do that
  2. Safas Emes doleg(reread pasuk) has problems why does Rav not agree with Shimuel b/c 1st person gets 2 and a half pesukim 2nd person gets 2 and a half pesukim Rav says dont have 3 pesukim Shimuel says can have 2 and a half pesukim b/c its more then 2
  3. from story with Rav we see says Sifse Cacamim you should look at torah when you get an olia
  4. Safas Emes and PY ask why gemara use a barissa to tell us its asur to bow on stone floor its a pasuk they answer need barissa to teach us isur applies in cutz laretz (Bavel) pasuk only good for EY
  5. Rav Elyashiv shul has side room minyan 1 aron in main shul main minyan is on shimone esra side minyan on laning you can walk in front of people davening shimone esra to avoid tirca ditzibur for side minyan

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