Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Please Daven - Surgery Tuesday

Please daven for Tinok ben Penina Yosefa who will be having surgery today(Tuesday). May he have a refuah shlema b'soch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.
Baruch Hashem the surgery went well and Tinok ben Penina Yosefa is in the PICU and on ECMO
which is a life support heart lung machine to help him get the rest he needs to get better, now the next 72hrs are critical please continue the davening.
Thank you for continuing to daven for Tinok ben Penina Yosefa for a
refuah shalama!
Baruch Hashem they have weaned him off of the ECMO [a type of heart lung
life support machine] we are praying he will continue to respond well

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