Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The Gin family from Kiryat Arba was unfortunately involved in a
multi-vehicle accident this past Thursday between Neve Daniel and Elazar.

Four members of the family were taken to the hospital in critical condition
and the driver and husband and one of the passengers was killed, 48 year old
Shimon Gin z"l. The family is now sitting shiva in Ramat Mamre.

The following people were considered to be in critical condition:

Moshe Gin - Moshe ben Avraham - Father of Shimon Gin z"l
Originally was in serious condition and shock. He has since been released
from the hospital.

Miriam Gin - Miriam bat Sarah - Mother of Simon Gin z"l
She is comatose, but recently has shown some signs of improvement.

Rivkah Lhungdim - Rivkah bat Sarah
She has a head injury, was sedated, but is now awake and being monitored in
the orthopedic ward.

Esther Gin - Esther bat Sarah - Wife of Shimon Gin z"l
She had a blot clot in her chest, this has been removed.

Urgent tehillim and tefillot are needed to help this family recover.

Teskili Mitzvot

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