Wednesday, November 25, 2009

tehillim update plus Please read what the Steipler said about such tefillos and may we only share simchos including the ultimate simchah of Moshiach

We regret to inform you that adira boltshauser (adira chana bas shes a”h) passed away last Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

Her newborn baby is B”H making progress ---Please keep on davening for her. Rochel Adira Chana bas Adira Chana , shticha


Over the past several weeks we sent out alerts asking everyone to pray for various special individuals who were extremely ill.

Unfortunately, we were not able to report good news and Rabbi Gross, Mottie Borger and Adira Boltshauser z”l passed away. YZB TNTBH

Please read what the Steipler said about such tefillos and may we only share simchos including the ultimate simchah of the coming of Moshiach—May He come speedily in our day!


When praying on behalf of someone who is seriously ill, and whose condition appears to be worsening, there is a tendency to grow despondent and to be overcome by a feeling that one's prayers are for naught—Nothing could be further from the truth. The Steipler Gaon once enumerated five areas in which such tefillos achieve significant accomplishment:

a) The tefillos may very well diminish the patient's suffering to some degree.

b) The tefillos may extend the patient's life by a few months, weeks, days or even a few hours. Even a moment of life, said the Steipler, is of inestimable value and is more precious than gems.

c) Our Sages teach, "Even if a sharp-edged sword is resting upon a person's neck, he should not refrain from beseeching the Heavens for mercy" (Berachos lOa). There have been many instances where, through the kindness of Heaven, someone who was gravely ill experienced a full recovery.

d) Even if the prayers effect no change at all in the patient's condition, they still are a source of merit for him, since all those who prayed aroused Heavenly compassion through their prayers, which were uttered because of him. These merits will stand by him in the World to Come and may also protect his offspring in the future.

e) These prayers can bring salvation to other individuals and to the community as a whole. At the End of Days, when all will be revealed, we will learn how each tefillah uttered by each individual brought about great goodness and salvation (Toldos Yaakov, p. 118-119).

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