Thursday, November 26, 2009

TODAY Thursday November 26 20009 special time for PRAYING tefila/davening !!!

This coming Thursday (November 26th) the 9th of Kislev is a very special time where the gates of tefilot are wide open and Hashem is hearing, accepting and answering our prayers! Like the Ramban wrote: "the 9th year on the 9th month at the 9th hour of the day is a time of happiness and grants from Hashem" and you should know, adds the Chesed L'avraham, "this time is very appropriate for success and is a pipe to bring upon ourselves abundance and redemption."

This very special moment only comes around once every 7 years so we must get ready for it and take advantage of the opportunity granted to us from Hashem. Therefore it is important we take the time to pray and ask Hashem for all we need and desire in a clear and detailed way. In order to do so, we must prepare ourselves and put on paper what is the most important to us so that we can ask it clearly on this very special moment.Israel from 1:43pm to 1:56pm
New York from 2:07pm to 2:55pm
Los Angeles from 2:15pm to 3:03pm
Miami from 2:44pm to 3:42pm
Chicago from 1:56pm to 2:47pm

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