Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 7 EX PARTE COMMUNICATION

Q:How should the litigants speak in bais din can 1 litigant present his case b/4 the other 1 what about by the summons

A:The S"A says both litigants need to be at bais din at the same time speak equally wear the same clothes so that there should be no bias The Rama says this applies(both litigants being at bais din at the same time) when the dian knows he is judging the case a head of time the poskim ask what if he does not know ahead of time they answer it could be a problem but if the other guy is ok with it then it is ok by the summons some bais din avoid the problem by not having the dian of the case at the summons while other bais din have the dian of the case at the summons

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