Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 8 INTERESTING FORMS OF SHOCHAD

Q:Is a litigant doing a favor for the dian asur mikar hadin or just an harcaka and can a bais din collect fees

A:The poskim say if the litigant does the favor in front of the other litigant being there it is asur mikar hadin but if the litigant does the favor for the dian not in front of the other litigant it is an harcaka the S"A says the community should have a kuppah to support bais din collected every year the Rama says the collection should be done at the beginning of the year no chanifus to any person have money in advance the Tumim says if bais din is supported by the kehilla like the S"A if not then bais din can charge fees to both litigants equally

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