Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf.SANHEDRIN DAF 28 THE VERY HONEST WITNESS

Q:You are a mesade kedushin 1 of the adim tell you he did an avarah after the kedushin is it a good kedushin

A:You cant make yourself into a rasha so kedushin is maybe good but the P"T brings the Cavas Yair who is in safek about this the Ketzos brings his brother who says if the averah is not public knowledge teshuva is easy do teshuva right away the Tumim says there is a difference between a pasul of a relative nothing can help him and a pasul of averah there a chashash sheker that is why he is pasul so he could testify the final answer is lecatcila the kedushin is no good but bedeeved it is ok

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