Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Tefilla Request

Marsha Smagley sent the following request:
If possible can you pls send a note out that my mother Shayna bas Madelyn was in the hospital this week, and then released and then rushed back to the hospital again on Saturday. She is really suffering. Please also keep my dad, Baruch Berel ben Leiba/Leah in mind for strength and well being. He is 86 years old and really suffering with all this, and  could use your tefillos.
May Hashem give you and your families good health until 120 years and to shower you with His shefa of brachos always, b"H. Thank you for your kindness! May we only share good news, b"H.
May Marsha's parents both have a refuah shlema and be able to participate in her Pesach sedarim in good health.

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