Monday, June 21, 2010

[chicago-aneinu] Fwd: Yale student needs cord blood

Help Save a Life

Message from Yale Athletics on behalf of a very ill Yale student, Mandi

Mandi suffers from leukemia and we are in search of women expecting a baby
in the next 30 days of German, Russian, or Ukrainian descent (or any
combination thereof). We would ask those we can locate to sign up to a
registry indicating they are willing to be considered to donate their
umbilical cord blood (this process is free and takes place after delivery;
the umbilical cord otherwise gets thrown away). Location does not matter;
the cord blood can be transported from anywhere in the world.

We are calling on all logical resources of people who might have access to
reach such women, their OBGYN or other caregivers, or media outlets that
reach these audiences either here or abroad to help us spread the word.

We have 30 days to identify 200 potential donors.

More information can be found at

Leah Nadich Meir please reply to


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