Monday, June 21, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 16 THE ANSAKIS WORM AND THE FISH CONTROVERSY

Q:Can you eat fish with worms what about the Anisakis worm

A:The S"A says any worm found in a fish it depends on were it is found to be muter or asur if the worm in the flesh of the fish it is muter but if the worm is found in the stomach of the fish it is asur never swam in the water it is muter in the water it is asur the S"A contradicts science the Anisakis migrates from stomach to flesh of fish many Rabanim it is a new isur Rav Elyashiv says all fish except haring and certain salmon have this problem many poskim reject science can not trust scientists science rejects spontaneous generation but halacha says there is spontaneous generation the P"M says even though the S"A says all bugs in there stomach are asur but fish swallow bug from water not a thousand percent true swallowed from water but maybe formed in stomach why is it asur it is a safek safek diurissa we are machmir Rav Rappaport says 2 reasons to maybe be makil is a sefak sefaka safek if it is in the stomach or not and if you say it is in the stomach maybe it was formed there 2. if you say it was formed in the skin and the scientist says it tunnels we can apply the rule it was here and it was created the Shevet Halevi says I am not sure if the scientist are right but be machmir

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