Monday, June 28, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 21 COSMETIC TATOOING AND THEME PARKS STAMPS

Q:Is a women alowd to have cosmetic tattooing can you get stamped at a theme park and can you get a temporary tattoo from a machine

A:Rav Nasan Gesetner in Tushvcs Liharos Nasan brings poskim who say cosmetic tatooing is asur but Rav Nevensal who says its muter like shabbos coloring on shabbos not kosev but tzovaa for kosev need to be picture or letter but maybe that is not good heter v b/c tattoo does not need 2 leeters shabbos does the poskim say it is an asur dirabanan not a word and cosmetic not tattoo so for kavod habrios they matir it Rav Elyashiv also matir it for kavod habrios an example of kavod habrios is no eyelashes or a bad burn.The Mincas Chinuch says something temporary that can be removed with soap and water is not an issur of a tattoo so theme park stamp can be removed with soap so its muter but temporary tattoo is difficult to remove so its asur

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