Monday, June 28, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. MAKKOS DAF 23 PAINTBALL AND BOXING

Q:Is it muter to play paintball when it causes a small bruise and what about boxing

A:There might be an issur diurissa involved even though the bruise does not cause you to go to the doctor or lose work the Mechaber Mincas Chinuch says if a person says b/4 he gets hit I forgive you for hitting me the hitter is exempt so we can apply this to paintball and boxing since everyone forgives everybody maybe it is muter but the Chazonish Cavos Yair and Rav Elyashiv say it is asur the S"A Harav says its asur b/c your body belongs to HASHEM so since rov poskim say its asur and safek diurissa we are machmir. How do summer camps have paintball b/c they rely on Rav Elchonan who says you only have an a sin between man and man when it is destructive its not an issur so the American poskim say summer camp paintball is not desructive so its muter

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