Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SHEVOUS DAF 20 WHEN IS THE YAHRTZEIT

Q:When is the yahrtzeit for a person the death or burial and what do you do on that day

A:The S"A says no meat or wine and you should fast on the yahrtzeit Rav Shternbauch the Chazonish and the Steipler say that if by fasting on the yahrtzeit you will not be able to learn do not fast.The Trumas Hadeshen brings a proof from our gemara which says someone made a neder day father died and see churban Yerushaliem who can eat(9 days connection) so to day of death who can eat so the yahrtzeit on day of death.The Shach says for the aval and family the yohrtzeit and year are bad mazal they need teshuvah the Mahram Mitz says it is a caparah for the father who died on this day the Arizal and KS"A say the zcus of children doing mitzvos torah and masim tovim the father goes higher the Rema says yahrtzeit is not by death but by burial we do not follow this. When the person dies on Thursday but is not buried till Monday big shilah when the yahrtzeit of the 1st year Shach and Masas Binyamin minhag olam is yohrtzeit 1st year is day of burial but if death is Thursday and burial is Friday the yahrtzeit on day of death.Rav Moshe says 1st year yahrtzeit on day of burial but after that yohrtzeit on day of death but the Taz argues and says every year yahrtzeit on day of death.
I heard Rav Wosner and Rabbi Zev Cohen say in this case 1st year yahrtzeit on day of burial after that the yahrtzeit on day of death

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