Monday, July 19, 2010

The Daf Yomi - In-depth practical case-study analyses derived directly from each day’s Daf. SHEVOUS DAF 21 CHECKING BROCCOLI

Q:Does broccoli need to be checked for bugs

A:Companies in America soak there broccoli in chlorine to get rid of bugs but they are not so makpid unless they do an halachic cleaning. A biria(full bug) is never batul plus it is niker(right in front of you) so no bitul but this is not such a problem if you look for bugs.The Krasi Uplasi says a bug is not a beria b/c its not asur from beginning of creation the bug started in the broccoli but the poskim say we have a problem the bug is asur it just has not become asur yet there are alot of safekos so maybe we can be makil by bug checkingmore posts on bugs

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