Saturday, November 20, 2010

[chicago-aneinu] PA Rock Attacks Continue; Victim in Serious Condition

Please daven for Yiftach ben Hemda.
by Maayana Miskin

As Palestinian Authority Arabs continue to attack Jewish drivers in Judea and Samaria, one victim has already been partially blinded and remains seriously hurt.
PA militias carried out multiple attacks along Judea and Samaria roads on Friday and Saturday. A rock attack was reported on Saturday night between Kiryat Arba and Hevron; no injuries were reported.

Earlier on Saturday, Arabs hurled firebombs at an IDF guard station near a Jewish neighborhood of Hevron. The soldiers were not hurt, and managed to capture two of the attackers.

On Friday, a Border Police officer was hurt as PA Arabs and foreign supporters rioted near the community of Neve Tzuf in the Binyamin region. The officer was hit by a rock and suffered light wounds.

This past Thursday, a resident of Rachelim, in Samaria, was badly wounded when a Arab gang threw heavy stones at his car as he drove near the town of Shilo. One rock hit the front windshield and smashed into the driver's head.

The man underwent a 12-hour operation on Friday to repair damage to his skull and jaw, and remains in a medically induced coma and on a respirator. Doctors reported that the attack caused him to lose sight in one eye.

His family and friends have asked the public to pray for him using his Hebrew name, Yiftach ben Hemda.

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