Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Caution!

This was sent to me by one of our members regarding her brother-in-law:
My brother in law went for a stress test, prior to knee surgery, but his knee was so bad that he could not do the treadmill, so they did the simulated stress test, with the contrast dye. He broke out in a rash all over, and was not feeling so well after.  Evidently wandered the hospital for hours before someone noticed him, and that he was not well. They admitted him to the ER, found his ID, and called my sister to come.  She has spent the last 3 days trying to re teach him his whole life--he does not even know her or his children or mother.
My husband's cardiologist told him that this is not so uncommon, and that sensitive / allergic people should not have any contrast dye tests. It may take several days, but IY"H, he may regain full memory. CRAZY----maybe you want to warn others.

From another Aneinu member:

My mother a'h , had the same reaction. She was like a stroke victim. She said she knew what was going on in her head, but could not move or verbalize... Bh.. It lasted a day or two and she was perfect after. Since then I always warn doctors. So far, I don't bh have same reaction. She had hers taking a milogram for back surgery. I agree that people should be warned!!

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