Monday, January 2, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update! Please daven for Rivka bas Sara Raizel

Dear All~ Following is a heartfelt thank you note from the mother of the baby we have been davening for, Rivka bas Sara Raizel. Sara is the daughter, and Rivka is the grand-daughter of Rabbi Shimon and Sherry Kurland, Menahel of Darchei Bina and Afikei Torah seminaries in Israel. Rivka is the namesake of Rabbi Kurland's mother, a''h, whose second yartzeit is in a few weeks. Thank you for your wonderful response to the emails and texts, and ongoing Tefillos on Rivka's behalf. Our collective effortshave made such an important difference! And now has come another time for us to to "storm the heavens" - as our dear friend Sherry Dimarsky a"h used to say- and once again. The note from Sara sent yesterday gives an update on Rivka's situation. I encourage you please keep Rivka and her family in mind with your good thoughts and Tefillos during this precarious time, and that we will hear good news about little Rivka's strong and complete Refuah. A couple of photos are attached. The first one was taken in the intensive care unit, and is indeed very intensive -- in case you'd rather not open it. The second one is an adorable picture where you can see how well she has done after that time. Please feel free to forward this email to others everywhere, so we can expand our efforts on Rivka's behalf. Tizku L'Mitzvos~~ Sincerely, Ellie ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sara Kurland Date: 2012/1/1 Subject: Fw: Please daaven for rivka bas sara raizel Dear everyone, About 2 months ago I sent out an e- mail telling you about my daughter who was to undergo major heart surgery.B"H the surgery went better than anyone had expected. My daughter arrested 3 times and basically came into the previous surgery not alive. The doctors are all amazed at her progress and think of her as a miracle baby. According to them she should have sustained major damage and should not be functioning normally. I am 100 percent sure that she is doing this well because of your tefilos and I can't thank you all enough for davening and really caring about her. Rivka is about to undergo major heart surgery again on Tuesday and so I beg of you again to daven for her with all your heart... Thank you all so much.

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